- 名cinereum matter

They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain .
On MRI images , ADC values were measured in gray-and white-matter regions by using the computer-aided analysis program .
The PET scans detected reduced activity in an area of the brain called the hippocampus , which is known to be damaged in Alzheimer 's.
Results The abnormal findings of CT studies of the 31 delayed traumatic brain hematomas included : ( 1 ) Decreased density of the local brain parenchyma and disappeared difference between gray and white matter of the same area in 18 cases ;
Results On MR images , single lesions were found in 4 cases and multiple ones in 2.Among the 9 lesions of 6 cases , 4 located in deep brain tissue , 5 in white gray matter junction . Corpus callosum infiltration was found in 2 cases .
Cerebral white and gray matter move to inside .
Results Most of37 cases located at junctional zone between ectocinerea and alba of cerebrum .
Gray & white matter interface displacement ;
Clinical Application and Progress of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Grey and White Matter
Low density of grey matter of temproral lobe , sulci narrowing or disappearance and unclear grey matter margin .
Gyrus maturation , gray and white matter differentiation , ventricle-to-brain diameter ratio , and subarachnoid space size were evaluated with respect to gestational age .
On T2 weighted image , white matter showed hyperintense , the myelinated region and the cortex presented hypointense . Good signal contrast was seen between the white matter and cerebral cortes in all neonates .
Some of these are even visible , such higher density of the gray matter that contains most of your brain 's neurons and synapses , and more activity in certain regions when engaging a second language .
Results The 3D finite element model contains scalp , skull , dura mater , falx cerebri , tentorium , cerebrum ( gray and white matter ), cerebellum , brain stem , cerebral ventricles , cervical vertebra and spinal cord .
We measured the regional cerebral blood flow ( rCBF ) of the chronic alcohol poisoning encephalopathy on 15 cases . Compared with normal group , the results showed that rCBF of gray and white matter of left and right hemispheres and each lobe were reduced .
The one was made the left adrenal tumor resection by laparoscopic . We saw that tumor was gray , rough surface , cut surface gray , yellowish gray and soft .