
dēng pào
  • lamp bulb;lamp globe;bulb
灯泡 [dēng pào]
  • [bulb] 电灯泡,白炽灯

灯泡[dēng pào]
  1. 白炽灯数字显示装置照相放大用白炽灯泡

    Incandescent readout photographic enlarge lamp bulb

  2. 移走并检查安全带警报灯泡。**

    Remove and inspect the seat belt warning lamp bulb .

  3. 把灯泡拧到灯口上就行。

    The bulb should just screw into the socket .

  4. 天花板上孤零零地悬吊着一只灯泡。

    A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling .

  5. 灯泡被砸碎了。

    The lights are busted .

  6. 40瓦的灯泡完全够亮了,并且不会晃眼。

    A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude

  7. 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。

    An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations

  8. 这使灯泡与电费合计为27英镑。

    This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £ 27

  9. 屋子里天花板上吊着的一个灯泡散发着冷冷的黄光。

    A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light

  10. 裸露的灯泡正好在他的头顶上方。

    The naked bulb was directly over his head

  11. 雨水引发保险丝烧熔,使得灯泡都不亮了。

    Rainwater had fused the bulbs .

  12. 用18瓦的荧光灯灯泡有同样的亮度,而用电量却减少75%。

    With an 18-watt fluorescent bulb you get as much light but use 75 % less electricity .

  13. 其中3个灯泡必须得换下来。

    Three of the bulbs have to be replaced .

  14. 那个灯泡很亮。

    That electric bulb is very bright .

  15. 洗澡间里的灯泡烧坏了,父亲装上一只新的。

    The light bulb in the bathroom burned out and father put in a new one .

  16. 我们又得换个灯泡了。

    We 'll have to change the bulb again .

  17. 这种灯泡耗电不多。

    This type of bulb consumes little power .

  18. 请把灯泡取下来。

    Please take the bulb off .

  19. 我差点儿失手把灯泡打了。

    I almost dropped the bulb .

  20. 有标准形状的灯泡、火焰形状的灯泡、彩色球形灯泡等等。

    There are standard-shaped bulbs , flame-shaped bulbs , colored globe-shaped bulbs , and more .

  21. 以白炽灯泡为例,它是目前许多环保主义者和节能倡导者所痛恨的对象。

    Consider the incandescent bulb , an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates .

  22. 可选的很多,因此更换灯泡还是很容易的。

    It is quite easy , with all that choice , to change a light bulb .

  23. 整个固定装置包括灯泡和灯具都必须更换,这成本很高。

    The whole fixture must be replaced — light source and luminaire — and this is never an inexpensive proposition .

  24. 当然,更换灯泡很容易,但更换灯泡及其固定装置却比较困难。

    It is easy to change a light bulb , sure , but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture .

  25. 由托马斯·爱迪生发明的白炽灯泡后来成为了灵感的象征,它现在已经发展出数百种甚至数千种形式。

    The incandescent light bulb , invented by Thomas Edison , which came to be the symbol of inspiration , has been developed into hundreds , if not thousands , of forms .

  26. 紧凑型荧光灯灯泡具有一些非常值得称赞的特性,但是任何光源的选择仍然与容纳它的灯具、安装它们的空间以及需要满足的照明要求密不可分。

    There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFL [ compact fluorescent light bulb ] , yet the selection of any light source remains inseparable from the luminaire that houses it , along with the space in which both are installed , and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied .

  27. 人们根据这些特殊的灯泡制造了特殊固定装置,从学习用的台灯,到祖母传下来的丑萌的手绘中式灯,再到壁橱里的顶灯和烤箱或冰箱里的灯,最后再到牙医给你看牙的灯。

    All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures , from the desk lamp you study by , to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother , to the ceiling fixture in your closet , to the light in your oven or refrigerator , and to the light that the dentist points at you .

  28. 整个晚上我都觉得自己像个电灯泡。

    I felt like a third wheel the entire night .

  29. 包括家用的白炙灯泡和光源

    Includes household filament light bulbs & luminaries .

  30. 有时一种概念之前已经解释了很多遍,但突然你就理解了,这就是“电灯泡时刻”。

    Light-bulb moment is an event when one suddenly understands something even if the concept had been explained several times before .