
  1. 1238例四肢火车交通伤特点分析

    Analysis of features of 1238 cases limbs railroad traffic injury

  2. 火车交通事故所致创伤的损伤特点分析

    Analysis of the Injury Characteristics in Train Accident Trauma

  3. 火车交通因雾无法正常运作。

    The train service was disorganized by fog .

  4. 从伦敦帕丁顿车站出发的伦敦内城-卡迪夫火车交通线每日有17班,单程运行时间不超过两个小时。

    The Cardiff-London Inter-City service , from London Paddington , runs some seventeen times a day , with a journey time of less than two hours .

  5. 嗯,重要的是要知道,在汽车红绿灯之前就有火车的交通信号灯了。

    Well , it 's import to know that before traffic lights for cars , there were traffic signals for trains .

  6. 我没看见火车,交通断了。

    I haven 't seen no trains . No traffic .

  7. 尽可能以火车为交通工具-如困你不赶时间的话。

    Always say " thank you ," even if you don 't mean it .

  8. 尽可能以火车为交通工具,如果你不赶时间的话。

    Whenever you can , take the train-providin ` you ain ` t got to be nowhere on time .

  9. 伴随着高速火车在交通运输业中重要性的增加,火车上的无线通信也日益受到重视。

    With the growing importance of high speed train in transportation , people pay increasing attention to the wireless communication on the train .

  10. 就可以替代火车的交通工具而言,现代西方国家的情况肯定要强于1860年时的印度。有鉴于此,我怀疑那些漂亮的高速铁路还具有同样的作用。

    Since the alternatives to the train are somewhat better in modern western nations than they were in the India of 1860 , I doubt that spiffy high-speed rail links will have quite the same effect .

  11. 这是为了使它不至于跑出轨道。火车出轨的交通意外事故。

    An accident in which a train runs off its track .

  12. 饭店毗邻火车站,交通十分便利。

    The hotel is conveniently situated next to the railway station .

  13. 查看公交车和火车的学生交通费用。

    Check out student rates on bus and rail passes .

  14. 柏林中央火车站轨道交通的新平台

    Berlin Central Station A New Platform for Urban Rail Transit

  15. 苏州火车站地下交通联系通道火灾烟控方案的性能

    Fire Ventilation Control Scheme for Traffic Link Tunnel in Suzhou Railway Station

  16. 火车站综合交通客运枢纽客流与设施容量预测分析

    Passenger Movement at Comprehensive Transport Pivot of Railway Station and Facilities Capacity Prediction

  17. 武汉火车站现代化交通枢纽综合体

    Wuhan Railway Station A Modern Integrated Traffic Hub

  18. 在多弗海峡的海底,除了搭载乘客,列车同样运载火车和其他交通工具。

    In addition to passengers , trains carry trucks and other vehicles underneath the Strait of Dover .

  19. 罢工导致火车和航空交通中断,学校和医院都受到影响。

    Train and air travel , as well as schools and hospitals were disrupted by the strikes .

  20. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。

    Bicycle can 't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort . 38 .

  21. 近年来,随着铁路运输在我国的大力发展,因其便利,人们越来越多的选择火车作为长途交通工具。

    In recent years , with the quick development of railway transport in China , more and more people choose the train as a long-distance transport because of its convenience .

  22. 肖律师说:火车作为公共交通系统的一部分,应该给予每位公民同等的机会,不管他们会不会上网。

    Trains are part of the public transportation system and should give equal opportunity to each citizen , no matter if they can use the Internet or not , Xiao said .

  23. 运营商变得习惯于以尽可能快的速度发运货物,以弥补港口、火车和其他交通工具负荷过重所必然导致的延误。

    Operators grew used to rushing goods at the highest possible speed to make up for the delays that overstretched ports , railways and other transport facilities were all but certain to impose .

  24. 本文以商丘火车站地区交通组织为例,基于分析火车站地区交通特性,从站前地区发展定位和开发策略、交通组织策略和具体交通设计要点等方面探讨火车站地区交通组织的方法。

    Taking the traffic organization in Shangqiu railway station areas for example , base on the analyzes of traffic characteristics on the railway areas , then discusses the traffic organization ways from regional development positioning , traffic organization concept 、 strategy and method in the railway station areas .

  25. 这些吊杆是用来为过路火车通过而拦住交通的。

    These booms are to stop the traffic for passing trains .

  26. 使用地下提速火车的城市的交通工具。

    An urban passenger transportation system using underground or elevated trains .

  27. 汽车、火车等等都是交通工具。

    Cars , trains , etc. are means of transport .

  28. 汽车、公共汽车、火车和轮船是交通工具。

    Cars , buses , trains and ships are means of transport .

  29. 火车是安全的交通工具。

    The train is a safe means of transportation .

  30. 坐火车可免去担忧交通堵塞、气不好,收费和加油等问题。

    By taking a train you are free of worries about traffic , weather conditions , tolls and gas .