
huǒ guǎn guō lú
  • fire-tube boiler;shell boiler
火管锅炉[huǒ guǎn guō lú]
  1. 火管锅炉汽改水后管板裂纹原因及防治

    Analyze the causes of tube-sheet cracks of fire-tube boiler after renovating to hot-water boiler

  2. 卧式三回程火管锅炉

    Horizontal triple-pass fire-tube boiler

  3. 火管锅炉取代U型水管废热锅炉的技术小结

    Technical summary of horizontal fire tube WHB replacing vertical U-type WHB

  4. 火管锅炉安装中一些技术问题的分析处理

    Analysis & Treatment for Some Technical Questions During Fire Pipe Boiler Installing

  5. 并用此方法和方案对WNS4&8型火管锅炉完成了分析和试验。

    Using this method and plan , we have analysed and tested WNS4-8 boiler .

  6. 火管锅炉安装焊接技术

    Welding Technology for Installation of Waste Heat Boiler

  7. 硫磺制酸火管锅炉的选型及结构设计要点

    Key Points for Selection and Structural Design of Fire-tube Boilers Used in Sulfur-based Sulfuric Acid Production Plants

  8. 最近国内新建的几套400-800kt/a硫磺制酸装置均采用中压参数火管锅炉。

    Recent several 400 - 800 kt / a sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants in China all adopted fire tube boiler operating at medium pressure .

  9. 主要设备,如不锈钢转化器、火管锅炉、主鼓风机、浓硫酸泵等均为国产。

    The main equipment such as stainless steel converter , fire tube boiler , main blower and concentrated acid pumps were made at home .

  10. 介绍火管锅炉的选型设计、中间检验、安装,针对火管锅炉投用后存在热胀位移过大问题,提出解决措施。

    This paper presents type selection , test and checking and installing of horizontal fire tube waste heat boiler . Solutions were proposed against larger thermal expanding displacement after its commissioning .

  11. 氮环境下火管式锅炉的补漏检修

    Blowout plugging of fire tube boiler under n_2 atmosphere

  12. 卧式火管废热锅炉的运行

    Operation of Horizontal Fire Tube of Waste Heat Boiler

  13. 火管废热锅炉传热和压力降的简捷计算

    Simple and quick calculation of heat transfer and pressure drop of fire-tube waste heat boiler

  14. 合成工段高压立式火管式锅炉泄漏,锅炉水漏入合成气进入产品氨中,采取措施,确保氨纯度,维持合成氨装置连续运行不停车。

    High pressure vertical fire tube boiler of the synthesis section leaked the boiler water leaked into the synthesis gas and finally entered the ammonia product . Measures were taken to ensure the purity of ammonia and keep the ammonia plant operating continuously .

  15. 火管式废热锅炉高温侧管板的热防护

    Thermal protection of tube sheet on high temperature side of fire tube waste heat boiler

  16. 卧式火管型余热锅炉

    Horizontal fire-tube-type waste-heat boiler

  17. 掌握卧式水、火管快装锅炉烟管渗漏原因,预防烟管渗漏,减少或杜绝锅炉事故发生。

    To find out the cause of leakage of flue for prefabricated boilers with horizontal water pipe and fire pipe so as to prevent leakage of flue to reduce or eliminate boiler accidents .

  18. 混合式(火管和水管)锅炉刚出锅的馒头真热火。

    Hybrid boiler ( fire tube and water tube ) The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm .