
  • 网络flame height
  1. 分别测量了不同宽度试样火蔓延过程中的火焰高度、表面及火焰温度、火蔓延速率。

    Flame height , flame temperature , surface temperature of sample and flame spread rate was measured .

  2. 油池火是最常见的火灾燃烧形式,其燃烧速率不仅能表示油池火燃烧的快慢,同时也是对火焰高度、火焰温度以及对火焰对周围的热辐射分布等起决定作用的参数。

    Pool fire is the most common style of fire . Its burning rate can not only express how fast the pool fire burns , but also determine some other character such as flame height , temperature of flame , and the distribution of heat radiation around the pool fire .

  3. 二维线性湍流浮力扩散火焰高度

    The Height of Linear Turbulent Diffusion Buoyant Flames

  4. 本项研究为固体燃料的火焰高度及烟点的测量,首次提供了合理、可行的技术方法。

    This research work offers a reasonable technique method to measure flame heights and smoke points for charring fuels .

  5. 对甲醇、柴油、汽油、正庚烷、异辛烷、甲苯及甲醇混合燃料共十二种燃料进行了研究,提供了不同燃料的火焰高度、燃烧速度及火焰照度的定量结果。

    Twelve fuels , n-heptane , toluene , i-octane , gasoline , diesel , methanol , and blends of methanol with the hydrocarbons were investigated .

  6. 火焰高度和燃烧速率是描述其燃烧过程最基本的特性参数,而燃料所接收的热反馈量将决定着燃烧过程的发展。

    Burning rate , which depends on the flame heat feedback received by fuel surface , is one of the most basic characteristic , parameters of the combustion process .

  7. 对柴油液面燃烧,O2/N2氧化剂总流量不变时,增加氧浓度后扩散火焰高度增加。

    For diesel fluid level combustion , with constant O2 / N2 oxidizer flowrate , the increase of oxygen concentration in oxidizer makes the height of diffusion flame increases .

  8. 火焰高度比相同燃料,油液面积的油池火高度高,直径比油池火直径小。

    The height of the fire whirlwind is greater than while its diameter is smaller than that of pool fire with the same fuel and the same liquid surface area .

  9. 火焰中心高度对W型火焰锅炉燃烧影响的数值模拟研究

    Study on numerical simulation concerning influence of flame centre height upon combustion in W-shaped flame boiler

  10. Nd:YAG激光作用于有牙石的牙体硬组织,牙石迅速气化,表面喷射出具有脉动性的火焰,高度最大达到4mm。

    Tartar was evaporated quickly when Nd : YAG laser irradiated the hard dental tissues with tartar . And , a bright flame whose height could reach up to 4mm was erupted from the surface of tartar .

  11. 而对柴油灯芯火焰,高度的变化趋势是先增加后降低。

    For wick combustion , with the increase of oxygen concentration , the height of flame first increases to the peak value and then drops .

  12. 锅炉的煤质特性、炉膛出口过量空气系数、吹灰效果、主蒸汽温度和炉膛火焰中心高度等因素均对再热蒸汽温度的高低有较大影响。

    Many factors have comparatively great effect on the temperature of reheat steam , such as characteristics of coal , coefficient of excessive air at furnace outlet , effect of soot blowing , temperature of main steam , and the height of the center of furnace combustion .

  13. 现代激光测量技术的发展使得拍摄紊流火焰内高度时空精度的详尽火焰结构成为可能,这可以用来分析紊流场、化学反应和热与质分子运输之间的交互作用。

    With modern laser diagnostic techniques it is now possible to image the detailed flame structure inside turbulent flames with high temporal and spatial resolution . This makes it possible to analyze the interaction between turbulent flow fields chemical reactions heat transfer and molecular transport of matter .

  14. 火焰切割机高度控制系统配置方法与实践

    The Configuration Method and Practice on the Height Control System of Flame Cutter

  15. 协流温度处于1022~1074K范围内,火焰起升高度随温度升高急剧降低,而起升高度的均方差也较大。

    Flame liftoff height decreases and its fluctuation increases at co-flow temperature varying from 1022 K to 1074 K.

  16. 在完成火焰切割机高度控制系统基本控制功能的基础上,本文探讨了一种实现控制系统硬件端口功能自由配置的方法。

    Based on the completion of the basic control functions of the height control system , this paper discusses a method to implement the control system hardware port control functions configure freely .

  17. 根据炉内辐射换热的基本原理,分析了组装水管锅炉采用下部绝热炉膛后对炉内火焰温度沿高度变化规律的影响,提出了考虑下部绝热炉膛影响的炉内传热计算方法。

    In this paper , a heat exchange calculation method for the boiler furnace with an adiabatic lower part is put forward in accordance with fundamental principle of heat exchange and under consideration of the distribution of flame temperature along the furnace height in partial package water tube boilers .

  18. 另外,还研究了火焰组成和测量高度对四种元素的吸光度的影响,以及对Na和Mg的原子化度的影响。

    The effect of the flame composition and height on absorbance for four elements and the degree of atomization of Na and Mg were investigated .

  19. 利用它对某电厂300MW的W型火焰锅炉沿炉膛高度进行了测温、烟气分析及颗粒采样综合测试试验,并测量了颗粒样品含碳量和粒径分布。

    With the help of the above devices comprehensive measurements and tests were conducted on a 300 MW W-shaped boiler , including temperature measurements , etc along with the measurement of the carbon content and particulate diameter distribution of the sampled particulates .

  20. 采用三种不同的模型计算了丙烷与DME火焰的理论抬升高度,并与实验结果进行了对比,结果表明,火焰拉伸效应对于火焰抬升高度以及临界Sc数都有着重要的影响。

    Three different models were used to calculate the theoretical liftoff height of propane and DME lifted flames . Compared to the experimental results , the theoretical results showed that the flame stretch effect has important effect on the flame liftoff height and critical Sc number . 4 .

  21. 基于双色法的可见光光谱仪可以得到火焰指定5个高度的温度和辐射率值。

    The visible light spectrometer based on two-colour method can get the temperature and emissivity at the same time .

  22. 模拟火旋风的实验研究,应用热成像方法获得了火旋风温度场的结构,测量得到火旋风火焰特有的大高度直径比的物理现象;

    Experimental study on the model fire whirlwind , the fire whirlwind temperature field and the physical phenomenon of the big height to diameter ratio of the fire whirlwind are obtained by the infrared thermography ;

  23. 实验研究湍流射流火焰驻定时抬举高度的变化不仅有助于增进对湍流燃烧的理解而且能够促进工业燃烧室的设计与改造。

    Studying of stabilization of turbulent jet flame in regular lifting height change by experimentation is not only conducive to enhancing understanding of turbulent combustion theory , and also to promote the industrial design and retrofit of the combustion chamber .

  24. 近似理论解和Burke、Schumann精确解相比,火焰形状吻合得很好,火焰高度误差为零,火焰边界最大相对误差为&0.1613%。

    The approximate analytical solution is compared with the Burke-Schumann exact solution with the result that the flame shape is in good agreement , the error of flame height is zero and the maximum relative error of flame boundary is 0.1613 % .

  25. 阐述了火焰的特性,主要包括火焰的高度、倾斜角度、脉动频率和温度分布等方面的研究进展。

    The character and structure are discussed with special regard to the flame shape , flame height and declination angle , flame pulsation frequency , and the flame temperature .

  26. 结果表明:火线提供给地表面的辐照度和火焰表面温度、火强度、火焰平均高度、考察点的位置等因素有关,它受风速、坡度因素制约。

    Theoretical results revealed that the irradiance of-surface & fire and relation to flame temperature , intensity , flame height and position of observation point .

  27. 综述了室外池火灾火焰环境的研究进展,主要包括液池形状、火焰高度、火焰温度、火焰热辐射等。

    Research development of characteristic environment of outdoor pool fire is reviewed in the paper . Fire environment of liquid pool includes shape of pool , flame height , flame temperature , thermal radiation and so on .