
  1. 被火山喷溢出的熔岩伤身体的人不多。

    Few people have been harmed physically by molten lava flowing from volcanoes .

  2. 火山喷溢-喷流活动与半无机成因天然气的形成和类型

    Volcanic eruption - effusion and their relationship with the formation and type of semi-inorganic gas

  3. 对北祁连山火山喷溢型贱金属硫化物矿床区域成矿的探讨

    Types and regional tectonic setting of volcanogenic effusive type base metal sulfide deposits in North Qilian Mountain

  4. 第Ⅱ期(26.5~17.6Ma)火山喷溢最为强烈,形成大面积厚层黑色气孔状安粗岩;

    In the second phase ( 26.5-17.6 Ma ), volcanic eruption was strongest , forming extensive thick-bedded , black , vesicular latite .

  5. 据岩石地层研究、火山岩产状及接触关系,划分为4个火山旋回,共9个火山喷溢韵律。

    According to the study of the petrostratigraphy , occurrence of the volcanic rock beds and their types of contact , the ( volcanism ) has four cycles , and they contain nine rhythms of volcanic effusion .

  6. 即第一旋回的火山机构就位于NE向深断裂右旋走滑复活产生的EW向拉分构造,形成了东西向展布的裂隙式火山喷溢带;

    Volcanic apparatus in the first cycle was emplaced in EW trending structure activated by clockwise strike slipping of NE trending deep fault , forming the EW trending fissure type volcanic effusion belt .

  7. 第二旋回的火山机构就位于NE向深断裂左旋走滑复活产生的SN向拉分构造与EW向基底断裂的结点,产生了中心式火山岩浆喷溢侵出。

    Volcanic apparatus in the second cycle was emplaced at junction points of SN trending pull apart structure activated by sinistral strike slipping of NE trending deep faults and EW trending basement faults causing the center type volcanic magma effusion and extrusion .