
  1. 瀑布之水驾着狂风翻飞,让勇敢的游客得以一饱罕见的自然奇观。

    The water literally takes flight on the howling wind , giving hardy viewers a glimpse of a truly rare natural phenomenon .

  2. 瀑布沟尾水隧洞出口高边坡稳定性问题突出。

    The problem of high slope stability is outstanding .

  3. 詹姆斯·布鲁斯瀑布与其附近水流量巨大的瀑布相比,简直就是涓涓细流。

    James Bruce Falls is a comparative trickle when viewed alongside more mammoth waterfalls .

  4. 溪流和瀑布等动态水在净化周围地区空气上有显著作用。

    Flowing water , such as waterfall and rivulet , plays a significant role in cleaning ambient air .

  5. 通过广场的一个转角,游客们便来到一个两边都有着水池和瀑布的“水院”。

    Steps in the corner of the plaza lead down to a water patio with pools and cascading waterfalls on both sides .

  6. 实际上,瀑布底部的水,的确比顶部的水要热。

    In fact , the water at the bottom of the waterfall is hotter than the water at the top of the waterfall .

  7. 瀑布底部的水,或许比顶部,的水更热。

    And that was the water at the bottom of the waterfall is probably going to be hotter than the water at the top of the waterfall .

  8. 象急流或瀑布的起泡的水。

    Frothy water as in rapids or waterfalls .

  9. 近年来发电引走瀑布上游大量的水,已减低了侵蚀的速度。

    Generate electricity in recent years bring the water with chute many upper reaches , already bring down erodent speed .

  10. 一只猴子说道,“任何一只足够聪明的猴子,如果能够通过这瀑布,发现这瀑布里的水来自何处,并且再次出来,我们就让它成为我们的国王。”

    One monkey said ," If anyone is clever enough to go through the fall , find where the water comes from and get out again in one piece , let 's make him our king . "

  11. 瀑布的动作是下蹲至腰部高度之下仿佛瀑布的水向下奔入它所流入的水池或溪流。

    The motion for Wailele will go down further below the waist just as the water of a waterfall rushes down below the level of the pool or stream it runs into .