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  • Pu;a surname
  • 〔~阳〕地名,在中国河南省。

  • 姓。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 濮英

    Pu Ying

  1. 庄子悠闲地坐在濮水河边钓鱼。

    Zhuangzi was sitting by Pushui Rievr , fishing leisurely1 .

  2. 指出,东濮拗陷区的地震属浅源地震,该区有康氏面存在,地震台可记到清晰的康氏面反射波P。

    There is Conrad discontinuity in this area and reflected wave P of Conrad discontinuity can be clearly observed at seismological stations .

  3. 濮临线CE降凝剂的应用与研讨

    Application and Discussion on CE Depressant Used in Pu-Lin Pipeline

  4. 应用GIS技术对濮城油田南区Es2~(上2+3)储层建模分析研究

    Application of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) for Modeling Analyzing Reservoir in 2 + 3 Upper Member of Es_2 in the South Region of Pucheng Oilfield

  5. 应用GIS数据管理和可视化处理技术,对濮城油田南区Es上2+32进行储层建模应用研究。

    Application of reservoir modeling is studied in 2 + 3 upper member of Es 2 in Pucheng Oilfield by using the techniques of GIS data management and visualization process .

  6. 濮侧2-403井组AMPS低度交联聚合物调驱技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of oil displacement and profile control technologies with AMPS weak crosslinked polymer in PC 2-403 well group

  7. 据此确定了濮城油田合理的物性下限标准(孔隙度为12%,渗透率为1.5×10-3μm2)。

    Reasonable cutoff values in the reservoirs in Pucheng oil field are thus determined ( porosity 12 % , and permeability 1.5 × 10 - 3 μ m 2 ) .

  8. 室内研究表明,采用该技术并适当调控污水pH值,结合精细过滤,可将濮-联含油污水处理为特低渗油藏用合格注入水。

    Laboratory studies showed that the oily wastewater from Pu - Lian could be treated as the injecting water for super - low - permeability reservoir by means of the new technology , adjustment of the wastewater pH and fine - filtration technology .

  9. φ140mm套管拔套侧钻工艺技术在濮城油田的应用

    Development of φ 140 mm casing withdrawal sidetrack drilling technology in Pucheng oilfield

  10. 介绍了PI决策技术及其应用方法,该技术在濮12块应用后,油田各项开发指标得到改善,油藏递减速度降低,实现了高含水期控水稳油的目标。

    This paper introduces the PI decision - making technique and its application . After it is applied , all the development indexes are improved , production decline rate is lowered , and the production stabilization target at high water cut stage is realized .

  11. 本文通过对FMI测井技术优势的分析,结合濮深8井的应用实例,阐述了该项技术在勘探、尤其是深层勘探的应用前景。

    This paper analyses FMI 's superiority in Well Pushen ( PS ) 8 , and discusses the application foreground in oil and gas exploration , especially in deep formation .

  12. 本文以东濮凹陷马厂地区为研究工区着重论述重复式地层测试(RFT)资料在多井储层评价中的应用。

    With the Machang area of the Dongpu depression as the study area , this pa-per mainly discusses the application of the Repeat Formation Test ( RFT ) datain multi-well reservoir evaluation .

  13. 中下三叠统沉积沉降中心位于临清-东濮-太康和两淮地区,沉积中心的中下三叠统厚度达2000~2600m。

    The sedimentary-subsidence center is located in Linqing-Dongpu-Taikang and Huainan-Huaibei areas , where the Middle-Lower Triassic is as thick as2000 ~ 2600m .

  14. 从烃源岩的潜力指数来看,东濮凹陷沙一段生烃强度比较低,期望值为2.084×106t/km2(相当于SPI为2.1)。

    This organic matter is considered as poor-rather good quality . The potential index of source rocks indicates that the hydrocarbon-generating density is rather low , and the expectation value is 2.084 × 106 t / km2 ( equal to 2.1 in SPI ) .

  15. 针对油田套管腐蚀严重的特点,研制改进了Y341-114高压封隔器及其组合管柱,并在濮城油田进行了现场施工应用。

    In order to improve water injection efficiency with casing leakage , Y341-114 packer and combination tubing string was used to jam leakage .

  16. 根据中原油田濮85块的稠油特性,进行了高温油藏CR-1稠油降粘剂的配方设计和室内性能评价。

    Formulation design and laboratory property evaluation for CR-1 heavy oil viscosity reducer in high temperature reservoirs are carried out according to heavy oil properties in Block Pu 85 of Zhongyuan Oilfield .

  17. 东濮凹陷三叠系砂岩裂缝形成机理及控制因素

    Analysis of formation mechanism and control factors of Triassic sandstone fracture

  18. 濮城油田沙三中层序格架内储层非均质性研究

    Reservoir heterogeneity analysis in the base level frame of Pucheng Oilfield

  19. 濮城油田油、水井管理信息系统

    The Management Information System of Oil and Water Wells in Pucheng

  20. 调剖堵水优化设计软件在濮城油田的应用

    Application of profile control and water plugging software in Pucheng Oilfield

  21. 濮城沙一下油藏高速开发模式浅论

    High-speed Development Pattern of Reservoir S_1 Lower Part in Pucheng Oilfield

  22. 濮2-平1水平井打捞技术分析

    The research on the fishing technique for the horizontal well p2-p1

  23. 濮鹤高速公路病害处治方案及建立预防性养护系统的建议

    Puyang-Hebi Expressway Disease Disposal and Suggestion on Building Preventive Maintenance System

  24. 多学科集成研究复杂断块油藏剩余油分布&以濮城油田东区沙二上4-7为例

    Integrated Research on the Distribution of Remaining Oil in Multi-Fault Reservoirs

  25. 濮城油田调剖技术回顾与发展方向

    Review and the Development Direction of Profile Control Technology in Pucheng Oilfield

  26. 濮城气顶气藏油气水界面数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Oil gas water Interface in Pucheng Gas Cap Reservoir

  27. 目的:对濮深8井钻井技术进行总结。

    Summarising the drilling and exploration technology about Well Pushen-8 .

  28. 细心嚼味的时候,才是人返濮的时刻!

    Carefully chews the taste time , is human 's simple time !

  29. 对悬棺葬这一古老葬俗,研究者普遍认为它是古濮越文化的反映。

    Most researchers take cliff-burying as a reflection of ancient Pu-yue culture .

  30. 濮城油田油井结盐机理分析及防治措施

    Mechanism and preventive measures of salt deposition in Pucheng Oilfield