
  • 网络laser altimeter;Lola
  1. 探月光学有效载荷系统含CCD立体相机与干涉成像光谱仪两台光学遥感器,CCD立体相机完成的科学目标主要是与激光高度计配合获取月球表面三维立体图像。

    The system of the optical payload for the Lunar Explorer includes a CCD stereo camera and an imaging interferometer . The former is devised to get the solid images of the lunar surface with a laser altimeter .

  2. 太阳辐照对近红外激光高度计接收系统的影响

    Effects of solar radiation on the receiver of near infrared laser altimeter

  3. 背景辐射功率对星载激光高度计信噪比的影响研究载波的调频噪声电平

    Influence of background radiant power on the signal-to-noise ratio of space-borne laser altimeter

  4. 最后结合实测的激光高度计数据进行了初步的温度计算。

    Finally , considering the measured laser altimeter data , raw calculation is accomplished .

  5. 对激光高度计系统受杂散光的影响情况进行了分析,并对抑制杂散光提出了相应的解决措施和方法。

    The laser altimeter 's performance is affected by its geometry overlap factor , and the effect is discussed .

  6. 根据太阳辐射传输理论,对一星载近红外激光高度计样机在轨运行时,不同的姿态所受到的太阳辐照进行了分析。

    Solar radiation received by a spaceborne near infrared laser altimeter prototype on orbit with various attitudes was analyzed based on the radiation theory .

  7. 不同目标特性、不同大气条件下的地面性能验证实验数据和精度理论分析结果均表明,非合作目标可调衰减法可以实现对激光高度计最大测程的定量化验证。

    The analysis of data and uncertainty of the test upon different simulant target properties and atmospheric condition has proved that noncooperative regulable attenuation method and setting described in the paper can achieve a quantitative output .

  8. 将最小可探测功率、模拟目标距离、目标物反射率、光学效率等参数代入最大测程推算方程,得出激光高度计最大测程指标。

    According to the parameters such as minimum detectable power , range and reflectivity of simulant target , meteorological visibility and optical efficiency , the maximum range of laser altimeter was figured out by the range-finding equation .

  9. 结合激光高度计原理样机,设计并建立了非合作目标可调衰减法模块,该模块包括角度测量装置、分束片、能量计、衰减器以及模拟目标物。

    Based on the model of resource survey spaceborne laser altimeter , the noncooperative regulable attenuation module , including angular measure setting , beam splitter , energy meter , attenuator and simulant target , was designed and founded .

  10. 由于测程远、大气衰减、被测目标物等不确定性因素,建立一种稳定可靠的激光高度计性能指标验证装置和方法,是一项重要的、必须解决的技术难点。

    Due to the uncertainty of factors such as far - range , atmospheric attenuation and operated target , a steady and reliable method and setting to characterize laser altimeter 's performance is an important and difficult technology .