
  1. 澜沧-耿马地震的S波偏振及P波、S波振幅比变化特征

    S-wave polarization and variation characteristics of amplitude ratio of P-and S-waves for the Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  2. GIS在澜沧江湄公河港口航道管理中的应用

    Application of GIS to Port and Waterway Management of Lancang-Mekong River

  3. GIS支持的澜沧江下游区泥石流爆发危险性评价

    GIS-Based Risk Assessment of the Debris Flows in the Lower Lancang River Watershed

  4. 基于GIS的澜沧江下游区旱灾决策支持系统

    Drought decision support system in the catchment area of Lanchang River Based on GIS

  5. GIS支持下的澜沧江流域云南段土壤侵蚀空间分析

    Spatial analysis on soil erosion of Lancang River Watershed in Yunnan Province under the support of GIS

  6. 基于DEM的澜沧江流域水文信息提取方法的研究

    Lancang River Basin Hydrology Information Extracting and its Application based on DEM

  7. 澜沧江某电站左岸地下洞室群围岩稳定性的FLAC~(3D)分析

    Numerical analysis with flac ~ ( 3d ) on rock mass stability surrounding cavern group in the left bank slope of a hydropower station on lan-cang-jiang River

  8. 当我第一次过溜索,穿越咆哮的澜沧江(LancangRiver)送邮件时,心里特别害怕。

    I felt scared when I was asked for the first time to cross the roaring Lancang River to deliver mail .

  9. 澜沧江流域主要断裂断层泥中石英碎砾表面SEM特征及其断裂活动研究

    Study on SEM Characteristics of Quartz Grains in the Fault Gouges of the Main Faults and the Fault Activity in the Lancang River Valley

  10. 本文采用P、S最大振幅比资料测定中、小地震震源机制参数的方法,测定了澜沧&耿马地震前后震区182个中、小震的震源机制参数。

    The source mechanism parameters of 182 moderate and small events in the seismic area before and after Lancang-Gengma Earthquake have been determined by the method of P and S maximum amplitude ratio .

  11. 澜沧江流域山区土地覆盖遥感监测中PCA特征变换处理

    Study on Spectral Feature Transform by PCA for Remote Sensing Monitoring Land cover in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin

  12. 应用矿相显微镜、电子探针、x射线衍射仪和化学物相分析等测试手段,研究了澜沧银铅锌矿中金银的赋存状态。

    The occurence of gold and silver in Lan-Cang Silver-Lead-Zine Mine were studied with the help of ore microscope , electronic probe , x-ray diffractometer and phase analysis .

  13. 走航式ADCP在澜沧江流量测验中的应用

    Application of Vessel-mounted ADCP in Measuring Discharge of the Lancang River

  14. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  15. 初步结果为:①在以山地为主体的澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测中,通过PCA特征变换处理,对原始波段数据具有较好的数据压缩效果与综合表达作用;

    The preliminary results show that : ① PCA spectral feature transform is very effective for reducing dimensionality of original band features in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin .

  16. 与此同时,对大震前后P波、S波最大振幅比值分布和S波偏振角空间分布进行研究发现,北纬22°57′可能是澜沧、耿马两地区介质差异的分界面。

    Study on the distribution of maximum amplitude ratio of P-and Swaves and spatial distribution of S-wave polarization angles before and after the earthquakes shows the line of 22 ° 57 ′ north latitude may be the medium boundary between Lancang and Gengma areas .

  17. 使用CDSN资料确定澜沧地震震源参数

    Determination of the source parameters of the Lancang earthquake using the data from CDSN

  18. TVA与澜沧江流域的综合开发与管理研究

    Study of the comprehensive development and management of Lancang River Basin compared with TVA

  19. 澜沧&耿马地震前FSQ仪记录到的粘滑和慢地震及对短临预报探讨

    Stick-slip and slow shocks recorded on FSQ tiltmeters before Lancang-Gengma earthquake and primary study on short-impending earthquake prediction

  20. 大湄公河次地区(GMS)合作是澜沧江-湄公河流域相关国家及省区之间的地区性合作机制,是东南亚乃至东亚范围之内地区主义发展的一种表现。

    Being a sub - regional cooperative mechanism among the states and provinces alongside the Mekong River , Greater Mekong Sub-region ( GMS ) is an example of the regionalisms in Southeast Asia .

  21. 本文分析了弥渡、永胜、楚雄台FSQ型浮子水管仪原始记录图,发现澜沧一耿马大震前,出现短临形变异常特征,其主要表现为粘滑、慢地震。

    After analysing original recording registered on FSQ Floating Water-tube Tiltmeters in Midu , Yongsheng and Chuxiong stations , short-impending deformation anomalies discovered show stick-slip and slow shocks .

  22. 本文利用永胜地震台FSQ型浮子水管倾斜仪原始记录图形,分析澜沧、耿马大震前后地形变的特征。

    The variation of crustal deformation before and after Lancang-gengma earthquakes has been analysed by means of original records of FSQ floating water-tube tiltmeter installed at Yongsheng station .

  23. 古特提斯弧时期,金沙江洋内弧表现出Cu的富集,Pb-Zn富集在滞后弧,而碰撞弧及澜沧江陆缘弧没有成矿元素的明显富集;

    In the Paleo Tethyan arc period , Cu was enriched in the oceanic island arc , and Pb and Zn were enriched in the post collisional arc (" delay " arc ) . The collisional arc and Lancang River continental marginal arc were not rich in the mineralizing elements .

  24. 本文收集了国内各个单位和国外EDR报告给出的澜沧&耿马地震的震源参数和震源机制解参数,讨论了它们之间差别的原因。

    The source parameters and focal mechanism solution parameters of Lancang-Gengma earthquake , published in various internal journals and external EDR reports , have been gathered in this paper , and reasons that made difference between them have been discussed .

  25. 建立在对断裂带的变形特征、运动学特征和变形岩石年代学的综合研究表明,澜沧江断裂带是一条左旋走滑断裂带,左旋走滑始于20Ma。

    Comprehensive studies , based on the characteristics of deformation , movement and chronology of deformation rocks in the fault zone , suggest that the Lancang River Fault Zone ( LRFZ ) with left slip has begun its strike slip since 20 Ma .

  26. 本文从楚雄地震台FSQ型水管仪的原始资料出发,探讨了澜沧、耿马大震前地形变前兆信息量的问题,指出了孕震体的变化过程。

    Based on the original data recorded by type FSQ float water piper from Chuxiong station , the authors made an approach on quantity of precursory informations of deformation and put out the process of seismogenic varying body before the great Lancang Gengma shock .

  27. 澜沧江上游森林珍稀草本植物生态位研究

    Niche of rare herbage plants in the upstream of Lancang River

  28. 澜沧江下游流域生物多样性的可持续发展

    Valley of the Lower Reaches of Lancang River Biodiversity Sustainable Development

  29. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域生物多样性保护的法律合作机制

    Law Cooperation System on Protection of Biodiversity in Lancang-Mekong River Subregion

  30. 1988年11月6日澜沧&耿马地震的水氡异常

    Radon anomaly in the Nov. 6 , 1988 , Lancang-Gengma earthquake