  • pool;puddle;place where water collects
  • collect;accumulate;store
  • 水积聚:停~。~积。~留(医学上指液体聚集停留,如“尿~~”)。

  • 水积聚的地方。

  1. 不同土壤类型中,土壤pH、速效磷、速效钾、交换性钙镁、水溶性氯及大部分微量元素都存在极显著差异性,潴育性水稻土各指标值相对较高。

    In different soil types , soil pH , available phosphorus , potassium , exchangeable calcium and magnesium , water-soluble chlorine and most of trace elements have extremely significant differences , Retention in paddy soil has high items relatively .

  2. 给53例高血压病人进行口服盐水潴钠和速尿排钠的盐负荷试验,根据Sullivan标准判断有22例属于盐敏感型(SS),另外31例属于盐不敏感型(SR)。

    The saline loading test was performed in 53 hospitalized patients with essential hypertension . According to Sullivan 's standard , 22 of the 53 patients were salt-sensitive ( SS ), 31 were salt-resistant ( SR ) .

  3. 通过连续12a田间小区定位试验,研究了在不同施肥方式下,连年稻-麦轮作的滇中地区紫色冲积性潴育型水稻土土壤肥力及产量变化的规律。

    The relationship of fertilization methods with the soil fertility and output of the purplish paddy soil has been studied for 12 successive years in central Yunnan .

  4. 土壤亚类为潴育型水稻土占94.04%;

    Waterlogged paddy soil ( soil type ) 94.04 % ;

  5. 给我的”懒潴“,也许你根本不是我的吧。

    For my lazy pig , or u not mine .

  6. 潴育型水稻土的机械组成与10种元素的关系

    Relationship of mechanical composition of waterlogged paddy soil with content of 10 metal elements

  7. 三潴画廊于1994年开馆。

    Mizuma Art Gallery opened in1994 .

  8. 我想如果你有,可以联系潴潴,捐给山区的孩子们。

    But I think , if you have , you can contact zhuzhu , donate to the child in the mountainous area .

  9. 福州市郊潴育性水稻土的表层厚度和层次变化对于水稻产量的影响福州市土法孵鹅蛋技术调查研究

    The influence on the depth of topsoil of hydrogenic paddy soil and the arrangement of soil layers on the yield of rice plant in Foochow

  10. 酸性磷酸酶的反应产物主要位于小液泡中,偶见于高尔基潴泡及小泡中。

    Reaction product of acid phosphatase is localized primarily in the small vacuoles , and occasionally in the dictyosome cisternae and vesicles of the golgi body .

  11. 水稻土有较长耕作历史,并已形成了潜育层和潴育层,但土壤肥力并不高。

    The paddy soil probably had a long history of tillage , and furthermore it had formed gley horizon and illuvium , but its fertility was not high either .

  12. 随着分化的进行,长的粗面内质网潴泡转化为较短的形态,最后聚集成一些小的堆叠并失去其核糖体。

    As differentiation progressed , long cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum appeared to transform into shorter forms and eventually aggregated into small stacks , losing their ribosomes during the process .

  13. 结果表明:在纳精囊上皮的顶分泌型腺细胞中,充满大量高尔基体和粗面内质网的潴泡和囊泡。

    The results showed that there were vast arrays of cisternaes and vesicles of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes containing flocculent and granular secretions in the topcrine gland cells .

  14. 漂洗型水稻土在1:20万制图尺度下的模拟精度最高,潴育型水稻土是太湖地区分布面积最大的亚类,1:400万是该亚类比较理想的模拟尺度。

    The bleaching paddy soil had the highest simulation accuracy under 1:200,000 mapping scale . The hydromorphic paddy soil had the largest distribution area in Taihu Lake region and 1:4,000,000 was its ideal simulation scale .

  15. 在发育于近代浅海沉积物的黄化青紫泥田的潴育型水稻土上进行为时25年(1974~1998)连作麦-稻-稻三熟制高产小区定位试验。

    A 25 year 's ( 1974 ~ 1998 ) long term triple cereal cropping ( rarley rice rice ) experiment was conducted at a water logged paddy soil developed from recent marine deposite with clayey loam texture with medium fertility .

  16. 它能显著缩短针灸后至排尿的时间,改善排尿症状,最快和最大限度地减轻尿潴留给患者带来的痛苦,故肛肠病术后尿潴留的治疗最佳针灸方法是耳压加体针。

    In term of treatment , Body Acupuncture / Ear-Acupoint-Compression is the most effective methodology as it shortens the time of urination to occur after acupuncture treatment , improves patient urination condition and / thus alleviates pain brought to the patient .

  17. 综合环境质量处于清洁水平的季节性蔬菜地土壤亚类主要有盐渍水稻土、渗育水稻土、潴育水稻土和红壤性土,合计占全区清洁水平季节性蔬菜地总面积的94.70%。

    The soil subtypes of the unpolluted seasonal vegetable fields were saline paddy soil , percogenic paddy soil , periodical waterlogged paddy soil and red soil , the total areas of which were 94.70 % of the total unpolluted seasonal vegetable fields in Licheng .
