
  • 网络Swatow
  1. 潮州方言歌和潮语歌曲的语音与旋律刍议

    On the Pronunciation and the Music Rhythm of Chaozhou Folk Song and Chaozhou Dialect Song

  2. 潮州方言歌和潮语歌曲,同是新中国成立后在潮汕(粤东)地区发展起来的地方艺术品种。

    Chaozhou folk song and Chaozhou dialect song are both the local art forms that have been developed in the Chaoshan district since the founding of new China .

  3. 由于历史、人数、经济和华文教育等原因,潮人本身所使用的潮州话(简称潮语),成为泰国华人、华侨的主要通用语言。

    Because of history , population , economy and Chinese education , Teochew Dialect that spoken by Teochews has become the main language among the overseas Chinese in Thailand .