
  • 网络Tidal motion;tide movement
  1. 在沿海城市,工程师不仅需要明确某一河道洪情的规律,而且更需注意波浪作用,潮汐运动、海流以及类似的现象。

    For cities near coast , it is necessary not only to know the regulation of the flood regimen of a stream , but also to be concerned largely with wave action , tide movement , ocean currents and similar phenomena .

  2. 建立极坐标形式地下水二维潮汐运动模型。

    A new two-dimensional model of groundwater fluctuations in estuarine zone is built .

  3. 推得的解析解是本文新推导的扇形含水层二维潮汐运动解析解与前人求解的解析解的进一步推广与完善。

    These solutions are the extension of newly derived analytical solutions for tidal groundwater in fan-shaped anisotropic aquifer .

  4. 采用简洁的数学转换提出求解相应的轴向各向异性含水层地下水潮汐运动的理论与方法。

    Put forward a theory and method to solve the tidal movement of anisotropic aquifer using a concise mathematical manipulation .

  5. 周日变化主要受潮汐运动和海水中生物的节律性生理活动的综合影响;

    And the daily variation of the key elements were affected mainly by the tide and physio-activities of the organisms in the water .

  6. 后一种沉积特征在港湾内很普遍,在那里沙层沉积的切割和充填的发育受到潮汐运动的强烈影响。

    The latter sedimentary feature is common in estuaries where the development of cut-and-fill deposits of sand is strongly influenced by tidal movements .

  7. 某科研单位为了在实验环境下模拟潮汐运动,需要建立高精度的自动液位检测系统。

    In order to simulate tidal movement in the lab environment , A research unit need to design a automatic liquid level detection system with high-precision .

  8. 这一区域的独特之处在于它的海域受到保护,且其潮汐运动不规律。为了使比赛不受风向和潮汐的影响,比赛的航程通常在比赛当天才能决定。

    The area is characterised by its sheltered waters and unusual tidal conditions , so course layouts often have to be decided on the day of the race to suit the prevailing wind and tide conditions .

  9. 地球自转偏向力即科氏力是研究地球表面运动着的水体不可忽略的参数,特别对研究大洋中的海流和潮汐运动更为重要。

    The deviated force ot the rotation of the Earth , the Coriolis force , is a parameter that can not neglected in study of moving water body on the earth 's surface , arid also amore important force affecting ocean current and tidal current .

  10. 基于河口区域二维潮汐运动问题的控制方程和特点,采用简洁的数学转换提出求解相应的轴向各向异性含水层地下水潮汐运动的理论与方法。

    Result shows its more extensive application than recent studies . ( 4 ) Based on the property of governing equations for problem of two-dimensional estuarine tidal groundwater fluctuations , this paper adopted method of coordinate transformation to derive the analytical solutions of tidal groundwater fluctuations in anisotropic media .

  11. 非潮汐海洋运动对地球动力学扁率变化的贡献

    Non-tidal oceanic contribution to the variation of the earth oblateness

  12. 潮汐的运动主要受月球的影响。

    The movement of the tides is governed mainly by the moon .

  13. 潮汐的运动柔化了边缘,强化了梦幻色彩和廓形的层次感。

    The tides'motion softens the edges and builds up layers of fantastical colour and silhouette .

  14. 在海岸线处的海平面随潮汐的运动经过数小时就会发生变化,而那些板块移动造成的变化几千年来一直就没有停止过。

    Sea-level changes at the shoreline due to tidal motion take place over a period of hours ; those changes that are due to movements of continental plates take place over millennia .

  15. 基于河工模型的相似理论,从二维浅水方程推导出潮汐河口水流运动的相似条件。

    Based on similarity theory of the physical model , the similarity condition of the current movement in the tidal estuary was deduced from the 2D shallow water equations .

  16. 潮汐对河口泥沙运动和淤积的影响

    The Effect of Tide on the Motion and Silt of Sand in Estuary

  17. 通过分析各种地壳运动假说,提出了地幔胀缩力和重力是地壳运动的主要动力来源,地球自转离心力和潮汐摩擦力是地壳运动的次要动力来源。

    This paper holds that Earth 's gravity , expanding and contracting pressures of mantle are major dynamic sources for crustal movement , while centrifugal force from of the Earth 's rotation and tidal frictional force are secondary dynamic source .

  18. 水流挟沙能力是泥沙数学模型的关键参数,而潮汐河口悬沙运动极其复杂,至今对河口挟沙能力的研究十分有限,进一步研究潮流挟沙能力具有重要的理论意义。

    The sediment-laden capacity is a key parameter to the mathematical model of sediment transport , which is not well understood for the complexity of suspended sediment movement in the tidal estuary , so it 's theoretically significant to study further the sediment-laden capacity of tidal flow .