• saline soil
  • 咸水浸渍的土地:~卤(盐碱地)。

  1. 海南小海潟湖环境的破坏与治理

    Lake Biwa The environmental disruption and transformation of Xiaohai lagoon in Hainan

  2. 海南岛小海潟湖沉积物的地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of sediments from Xiaohai lagoon , Hainan Island Thousand-Islet Lake

  3. 论文题目:大鹏湾潟湖之潮汐交换作用。

    Thesis Title : Tidal Exchange Process at Ta-pon Bay .

  4. 在潟湖与临海礁石上栖息于珊瑚丰富的区域与清澈的水域。

    Inhabits coral rich areas and clear waters on lagoon and seaward reefs .

  5. 也发现于河口,潟湖,河口了,甚至淡水。

    Found also in estuaries , lagoons , river mouths , and even freshwater .

  6. 主要是构建潟湖湿地旅游资源评价体系。

    The author constructs tourism resources evaluation system .

  7. 山东半岛潟湖湿地发育特征及区域分异演化研究

    Study on Developmental Characteristics and Regional Differential Evolution of Lagoonal Wetlands Along the Shandong Peninsula

  8. 鄂尔多斯盆地;马家沟组;障壁潟湖;沉积相模式;储层预测;

    Ordos Basin ; Majiagou Formation ; barrier lagoon ; sedimentary model ; reservoir prediction ;

  9. 世界上没有其他的城市像威尼斯一样建立在潟湖之上。

    No other cities in the world are built on a lagoon like Venice is .

  10. 山东半岛小海潟湖沉积地球化学特征与环境演变

    The geochemical characteristics of the lagoon sediment of xiaohai , shandong province and the environment change

  11. 发现于在外海岩礁上的岸边水浅的潟湖到中等深度的各种不同的礁石栖地了;

    Found in various reef habitats in shallow coastal lagoons to moderate depths on outer reefs ;

  12. 粤西海岸全新世中期以来海平面升降与海岸沙坝潟湖发育过程

    Sea level change and development course of barrier lagoons along coast of western Guangdong since middle Holocene

  13. 南沙群岛珊湖礁潟湖垂直沉降颗粒物中主要元素的生物地球化学过程研究

    Biogeochemical process of major elements in sinking particulate of Nansha coral reef lagoons , the South China Sea

  14. 典型的地貌标志是沿岸分布的沙坝-潟湖体系。

    The typical mark of the morphology is the system of barriers and lagoons distributed along the shore .

  15. 滦河三角洲砂坝-潟湖海岸环境的遥感分析与区域开发潜力的评价

    Remote Sensing Analysis and Evaluation of Regional Exploitation Potential of the Sand Bar-Lagoon Bank Environment in Luanhe River Delta , Hebei

  16. 南沙群岛潟湖沉积δ~(18)O记录1670a来的温度变化

    The temperature changes recorded as δ ~ ( 18 ) o in the lagoon sediment of the Nansha Islands in the past 1670 years

  17. 潟湖是由沿岸沙嘴、沙坝或滨外坝等围拦海湾、河口或其它浅海水域而形成的半封闭或封闭性地貌体,是重要的海岸湿地类型之一。

    Lagoon is one of the most important types of coastal wetlands , which is separated from open sea by sand spits , sandbars or barriers .

  18. 近年来,山东半岛沿岸潟湖因自然演变和人类开发,面积逐年减少,潟湖的生存状态变得日益严重。

    Recently , because of the natural and human impacts , the area of Shandong Peninsula lagoon was decreasing , and the surroundings were wearing away .

  19. 我国的滨海湿地主要包括三角洲湿地、滨岸沼泽、淤泥质海岸、红树林沼泽、海岸潟湖、砂质海岸湿地等几种主要湿地类型。

    Coastal delta , tidal flat , marine marsh , mangrove wetland , lagoon and sand beach are the main types of the coastal wetlands of China .

  20. 研究潟湖湿地的发育过程,探讨环境退化原因,分析潟湖湿地退化下的生态环境效应,并提出可持续发展策略,对于保护和合理开发利用潟湖湿地资源具有重要意义。

    The study on lagoonal wetland 's formation , evolution , causes of wetland environmental degradation and their effect on eco-environment are very significant for lagoonal wetland resources protection .

  21. 欠补偿盆地、蒸发潟湖、台缘斜坡(灰泥丘)和半闭塞&闭塞欠补偿海湾,是高丰度烃源岩发育的有利环境;

    In addition , a favorable environment for the development of organic-rich source rocks also includes undercompensation basins , evaporite lagoons , mesa-marginal slopes ( lime-mud mound ) and semi-blocked or blocked undercompensation bays .

  22. 本区从湖间带至沿岸平原,从表层至地下,组成了一个形成于不同时代的砂坝-潟湖群。

    In the area from the intertidal zone to the coastal plain and from the surface to underground there appeared a group of sand bars and lagoons which had been formed in different epochs .

  23. 潟湖具有防潮护岸、降解污染、维持区域生态平衡等功能,同时是沿岸港口码头建设的良址,其独特的景观极具旅游开发价值,因此澙湖的保护与开发矛盾突出。

    Lagoon not only has the function of shoreline protection , degrading pollution and balancing ecosystem , but also is the best location of port construction and travel . Therefore , protection and exploitation of lagoon is a paradox .

  24. 至中三叠世早期,海水大规模退出苏浙皖区,南黄海演变为潮坪,沉积了较厚的碳酸盐岩,局部地区出现潟湖环境;

    In the early stage of middle Triassic , that was large scale regression resulted in the South Yellow Sea he - coming tide plane , there more thicker carbonate rock were deposited , and some places were changed into lagoon environments .

  25. 在岛上巡游,感觉就像打开一本奇幻小说:在世界最大的潟湖里浮潜与潜水,这片碧蓝色的水域里有成千上万的珊瑚鱼海生动植物,美得让人震惊。这里有世界第二大的珊瑚礁(仅次于大堡礁)。

    An island itinerary reads like a fantasy novel : snorkeling and diving in one of the world 's largest lagoons , an aquamarine stunner populated by thousands of coral and marine species and home to the world 's second largest reef ( after the Great Barrier ) ;

  26. 尽管罗德里戈•弗雷塔斯潟湖并不像其他奥运赛场一样深受水质问题困扰,但周一,湖水深处漂浮着的垃圾让它看起来也没那么干净,还漂浮着一只塑料袋。

    Although Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas has not been afflicted with the same concerns over water quality as other parts of the Olympic set-up , the lagoon appeared less than pristine on Monday with bits of garbage - including a plastic bag - seen floating in the depths .
