
qián shuǐ fú
  • Diving suit;immersion suit;submarine armour
  1. 除了租救生衣,水上运动爱好者还应该考虑租一套潜水服。

    Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit as well as a lifejacket

  2. 湿式潜水服有极佳的隔热性能。

    A wet suit provides excellent insulation .

  3. 这不是一件普通的潜水服吧?

    And it 's not a regular wetsuit here , right ?

  4. 我们必须穿上保温潜水服才能进行水肺潜水。

    We had to put on a wetsuit to go scuba diving .

  5. 从潜水服面料走俏开始,这种挺括感的连衣裙就一直非常流行。

    This deress becomes fashionable starting from the popularity of diving-suits fabric .

  6. 他们给深海潜水员配备了防护帽、潜水服和通气管。

    They geared the deep-sea diver with helmet , suit and air nose .

  7. 硫化体系对氯丁橡胶硫化胶性能的影响氯丁橡胶湿式潜水服

    Effects of Curing Systems on the Properties of CR Vulcanizate neoprene wet suit

  8. 他们脱掉头套和潜水服。

    They took off the head-pieces of their diving-suits .

  9. 耐压潜水服壳体的屈曲分析

    Buckling analysis of the pressure diving suit shell

  10. 他们看到了一个潜水服头套。

    They saw the head of the diving-suits .

  11. 丹帮蜜雪儿穿上保温潜水服,再帮她潜入水中;

    Dan helped Michelle with her wetsuit , and then helped her into the water .

  12. 我问一个还穿着湿漉漉的潜水服的同事,为什么不接着干。

    I asked one colleague , dressed in his wet suit , why work had stopped .

  13. 本文采用多孔介质吸附法制备膨胀珍珠岩担载脂肪酸复合相变材料,并将其应用于潜水服的发泡橡胶中,考察保温效果。

    In this paper , expanded perlite based composite phase change materials were prepared through porous media adsorption .

  14. 在加州的圣克鲁斯,圣诞老人身穿红色潜水服,脚踏冲浪板。

    In Santa Cruz , California , Santa Claus arrives on a surfboard , wearing a red wetsuit .

  15. 每天我们穿着潜水服出洞,去看那个城市。

    Each day we will go out of the cave in our diving-suits , and see the city .

  16. 保温潜水服逐渐流行起来,但是许多冲浪者因这类潜水服难看且笨重而拒绝。

    Wet suits have been gradually catching on , but many surfers rejected them as ugly and cumbersome .

  17. 丹帮蜜雪儿穿上保温潜水服,再帮她潜入水中;约翰也跟着穿上潜水服。

    Dan helped Michelle with her wetsuit , and then helped her into the water . John followed suit .

  18. 最后建立相变材料调温潜水服传热模型,分析复合相变材料适用性。

    Based on the theoretical model , the applicability of composite phase change materials in diving suit was analyzed .

  19. 这时,从浪花中间走出来一位美丽的金发女郎,身着潜水服和携带式呼吸器。

    Then , out of the surf comes this gorgeous blonde woman , wearing a wet suit and scuba gear .

  20. 不穿潜水服的人如果下潜太深,就会感到呼吸因难,甚至无法呼吸。

    A man without a diving suit will find it difficult or impossible to breathe if he goes down too far .

  21. 用氯丁橡胶乳漆所组成的包覆层将药条的四个侧面包覆起来。氯丁橡胶湿式潜水服

    These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint . neoprene wet suit

  22. 穿上潜水服,潜到珊瑚礁里去看看大自然的美景吧。

    Put on that wetsuit and dive down into the coral reef to soak up the beautiful visions that nature has provided us .

  23. 海神制造的湿式潜水服材料来自于柔软的氯丁橡胶,内部的毛绒材料使穿/脱服装更加容易。

    All Poseidon wet suits are produced from the softest neoprene . The plush inside makes them easy to put on and take off .

  24. 金威闭孔式材料广泛应用于运动器材护套、垫片及救生潜水服。

    Jinwei closed-cell materials have wide application in the fields of protective sleeves and shim blocks of sports apparatus and diving suits for life saving .

  25. 他们穿着潜水服行走在这神奇的世界里,船上的灯光为他们提供照明。

    Dressed in diving suits , Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magic world , lighted by the lamps of the ship .

  26. 今天,梅斯特莱尔家族的公司国际套服公司,在保温潜水服和水上运动用品上的销量超过2亿美元。

    Today the Meistrells ' company , Body Glove International , earns more than 200 million dollars in sales of wet suits and water sports items .

  27. 鲍勃·梅斯特莱尔和他的兄弟比尔开发了第一批现代保温潜水服,鲍勃死于他位于洛杉矶海岸的船上。

    Bob Meistrell , who with his brother Bill developed the first modern wet suit , has died on his boat off the Los Angeles coast .

  28. 伯特特别小心地做了一条小链子,要把戒指系在他的保温潜水服上,因为如果不小心掉了就找不到了。

    Bert took extra caution and had a small chain made to attach the ring to his wetsuit . If he dropped it there would be no finding it .

  29. 当我第一次看到这样的惨状,一直蔓延到珊瑚礁底部,潜水服里的我坐在泥沙里哭了起来。

    When I saw this damage for the first time , stretching all the way down the reef , I sunk onto the sand in my scuba gear and I cried .

  30. 来看演出的观众看到音乐节穿着潜水服,带着乐器进入海水中是,他们也许会想一些有关鱼的活动正在进行中。

    Visitors to this concert might well have thought something fishy was going on when they saw the musicians put on their wet suits and take their instruments into the ocean .