
  1. 至少在周三晚间中国中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)播放的采访视频中,地产大亨、微博名人潘石屹在回答问题时就显得有些费力。

    Evidence of just how jittery at least one of them is arrived on Wednesday night , when state-run China Central Television broadcast footage of real estate mogul and microblogging megastar Pan Shiyi struggling to answers questions in an interview .

  2. 潘石屹在微博上承认,自己对采访感到紧张,并且描述了他与另一名大V在电话上的通话,后者建议他应不惜一切代价避免这次采访。

    Writing on Weibo , Mr. Pan admitted to being nervous about the interview , describing a phone conversation with another Big V who advised him to avoid it at all costs .

  3. 1995年,潘石屹用之前与别人合创一家房地产公司赚到的钱,与张欣共创soho中国。

    The couple started SOHO China in 1995 , with money Mr Pan made as co-founder of a previous property business .

  4. 房地产大亨张欣和她的丈夫潘石屹在2014年与哈佛大学(Harvard)签订1500万美元的“SOHO中国助学金”协议。

    Zhang Xin , the real estate mogul , and Pan Shiyi , her husband , signed a $ 15m gift agreement with Harvard in 2014 .

  5. 这是SOHO董事长潘石屹在某电视广告里讲到的一句话,意味深长,说是他老爸在他出远门时叮嘱的一句话。

    SOHO chairman Pan Shiyi said in an TV ad , meaningfully , his father told him these words when Pan left home .

  6. Soho中国董事长潘石屹周二说,这是我们进入上海的第一步,但绝不会是最后一步。

    ' Although this is our first foray into Shanghai , it certainly won 't be our last , 'Soho Chairman Pan Shiyi said Tuesday .

  7. 潘石屹是房地产开发商SOHO中国有限公司(SohoChina)的联合创始人兼董事长,也是愿意批评政府而在网上赢得大批粉丝的诸多成功企业家之一。

    The co-founder and chairman of real estate developer Soho China , Mr. Pan is one of a number of successful entrepreneurs who 've earned large audiences online for their willingness to criticize the government .

  8. 但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

    Facing a CCTV reporter 's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as ' Big V 's ' because a letter ' v ' marks their accounts as verified -- Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter .

  9. 在类似推特(Twitter)的新浪公司(SinaCorp.)旗下微博(Weibo)上拥有1600万粉丝的潘石屹通常都很健谈,无论是与人交谈还是在镜头前。

    Mr. Pan , who boasts more than 16 million followers on Sina Corp. 's popular Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service , is typically a smooth-talker , whether in person or on camera .

  10. 一直以来,SOHO中国至少是用自己的部分资金践行潘石屹上述观点的,也就是说,该公司将部分资金撤出国内房地产市场。

    Soho has been putting at least some of its money where Mr. Pan 's mouth is & that is , by taking it out of the local property market .

  11. 哈迪德的设计风格让张欣为之倾倒。张欣相信,她与丈夫潘石屹于1995年建立的SOHO中国,能够为哈迪德尽情施展才华提供更大的空间。

    She was hooked on Hadid 's style and felt SOHO China , which Zhang started with her husband Pan Shiyi in 1995 , would provide a larger canvas for Hadid 's talents .

  12. 这些教育经历最终让我有机会进入华尔街工作。1995年回到中国后,我和先生潘石屹一起创立了SOHO中国。

    My education would eventually lead to a job on Wall Street , and then in 1995 I returned to China and founded SOHO China with my husband , Pan Shiyi , who grew up in rural western China .

  13. 其他一些人,例如搜狐总裁潘石屹对此并不认同。

    Others , such as SOHO China Chairman Pan Shiyi , disagree .

  14. 潘石屹在环境问题上尤其积极。

    He has been particularly active on environmental issues .

  15. 1992年,潘石屹还在海南万通集团任财务部经理。

    In1992 , Pan Shiyi was the financial manager of Hainan Wantong Group .

  16. 潘石屹删除了原微博帖子,但毫无作用。

    Mr Pan deleted his original blog post , but to no avail .

  17. 潘石屹此言激起了摄影师唐若丁出人意料的反应。

    Mr Pan 's call drew an unexpected response from Tang Ruo-ding , a photojournalist .

  18. 这就是潘石屹那个“一言8亿”的传奇故事。

    This is the legend of " 800 million a statement " to Pan Shiyi .

  19. 和潘石屹谈人生

    Pan Shiyi Talked About The Life

  20. 潘石屹能赚到这笔钱不是出自偶然,而是源于他的商业敏感。

    The sum of money earned by Pan Shiyi Nengzhuan is not from accidental , but stems from his .

  21. 有人说,这是一种概念的成功,并且赞叹于潘石屹非凡的创意。

    Someone said , this is a concept of success , and praise from Mr Pan the extraordinary creativity .

  22. 潘石屹的基因里天生拥有者一种不安分的元素,这些元素可能来自于他幼年时过于悲惨的经历。

    Mr Pan 's gene naturally owner a restless elements , these elements may come from his childhood too miserable experience .

  23. 2008年那些(流动性)控制措施将更为严格,潘石屹表示:今年是现金为王。

    Those [ liquidity ] controls will be even tighter in 2008 , Mr Pan said . This year cash is king .

  24. 潘石屹现在是商场的红人,潘石屹成为红人有他成为红人的理由。

    Pan Shiyi is now the star of shopping malls , Pan Shiyi has become a star of the reasons he became a star .

  25. 看到潘石屹战战兢兢的样子,微博用户纷纷吐槽,这是他们的一贯做法。

    In keeping with tradition , Weibo users opted to respond to the sight of Mr. Pan 's skittishness with an outpouring of snark .

  26. 后来兄弟几个又闹分家,于是诞生了潘石屹现在的红石和北京大北窑旁边的现代城。

    Later , several brothers want to separate , so Beijing Hongshi and the morden country which is next to beijing Big north kiln birth .

  27. 报道援引潘石屹的话说,当房价下跌20%-30%,这些问题就全部暴露出来了。

    ' When housing prices fall 20 % to 30 % , these problems will be all exposed , ' he was quoted as saying .

  28. 当全家人一起去北京当地的一个市场购物时,孩子们会让父亲潘石屹坐在车里等着。

    In fact , when the family goes shopping at a local market in Beijing , the children ask their father to wait in the car .

  29. 他从来不害怕一次次的尝试所带来的风险,面对所有挑战,潘石屹拥有足够的勇气和底气。

    He never afraid to try again , the risk , in the face of all the challenges , Mr Pan have enough courage and style .

  30. 张欣全家今年的度假活动就是参观甘肃省的23所学校。甘肃是中国西北部一个贫困大省,她丈夫潘石屹就世甘肃人。

    Zhang 's family holiday this year will be a trip around 23 schools in Gansu province , the poor north-western province where her husband comes from .