
  • 网络Weifang;weifang city
  1. 为了解潍坊市麻疹疫苗(MV)强化免疫的效果和人群麻疹抗体水平,在2个区随机抽取767名0-39岁健康人,应用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgG抗体。

    This paper reported the results of measles antibody detection in 767 persons aged 0-39 years old in weifang city .

  2. 方法:对潍坊市33所医院的9168名医护人员针刺伤情况进行流行病学调查,建立Fox-base数据库,所得资料和数据运用686-PC机和SPLM软件包进行分析。

    Methods : Epidemiological survey on 9168 medical personnel with needle-injury in 33 hospitals of Weifang City . Fox-base was applied , and all the data were processed with SPLM software analysis .

  3. 潍坊市健康人群A、C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗体水平调查

    Investigation on Antibody Against Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis ( Serogroup A and Serogroup C ) Among the Healthy Population in Weifang

  4. 利用FDI也是潍坊市对外经济贸易工作的一个重点。

    Also attraction of FDI is one of the key point of foreign trade and economic cooperation work for weifang .

  5. 方法:选取山东潍坊市确诊的儿童智力低下患者和对照作1:1配对病例对照研究,运用条件Logistic回归的条件适应性检验和回归诊断进行分析判断。

    Methods : Choosing cases and controls of child mental retardation as studying objective and analyzing on the applicability testing and regression diagnosis of Logistic Regression .

  6. FDI不仅促进了潍坊市的经济发展,而且带动了就业,同时利用FDI进程中也存在着一些不容忽视的激烈矛盾和急需解决的问题。

    The introducing of FDI has promoted economic growth and employment . But at the same time , there also are some fierce conflicts and issues .

  7. 几位农民以及来自中国农业银行(abc)和潍坊市商业银行(weifangcommercialbank)的银行家表示,在一些地区,农民已开始用土地权作抵押,向银行申请创业贷款。

    In some areas farmers are starting to use land rights as collateral to secure bank loans for new businesses , according to several farmers and bankers , including those at the Agricultural Bank of China and Weifang commercial bank .

  8. 本系统是基于移动公司的MAS实现的,通过MAS部署廉政通插件,利用移动信息化技术,通过短信、彩信、WAP方式,协助潍坊市政府部门进行廉政信息管理。

    This system is based on mobile company , through the realization of the MAS deployment on the plug-in , the use of mobile information technology , through the SMS , MMS , and WAP mode ; assist the government departments for the Weifang information management .

  9. 潍坊市儿童意外伤害的危险因素分析

    Analysis of Risk Factors for Unintentional Injuries among Children in Weifang

  10. 潍坊市卫生检验人员现状调查分析

    Survey of the Status of Health Laboratory Staff in Weifang City

  11. 潍坊市经纬公路开发有限公司竞争战略研究

    Study on Competitive Strategy of Weifang Jingwei Road Development Limited Corporation

  12. 潍坊市生物工程产业发展战略研究

    Study on the Development Strategy of Biological Engineering Industry in WeiFang

  13. 潍坊市医疗机构医疗欠费处理存在问题及对策

    Problems and solutions of medical treatment arrearage in Weifang medical facilities

  14. 对潍坊市中小企业融资现状进行分析。

    It analyses the status quo of SMEs financing in Weifang .

  15. 潍坊市农业剩余劳动力内部转移的非均衡性

    No Equilibria of the Surplus of Agricultural Labor Force in Weifang

  16. 潍坊市2007-2008年居室装修后空气污染状况分析

    Indoor Air Pollution Status of Decorated Rooms in Weifang During 2007-2008

  17. 潍坊市交通稽查电子政务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E-government System for Weifang City Traffic Inspection

  18. 2005年潍坊市部分孕妇利用卫生服务状况调查

    Investigation on Pregnant Women 's Health Care in Weifang in 2005

  19. 潍坊市农业产业化模式与运行机制研究

    Study on Model and Mechanism of the Agriculture Industrialization of Weifang

  20. 潍坊市邮政物流管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Weifang Post 's Logistics Management System

  21. 潍坊市农村实用人才队伍建设问题研究

    Study on the Rural Practical Talents Personnel Team Foundation in Weifang

  22. 洪水资源利用是解决潍坊市水资源短缺的重要途径。

    Study on flood resources utilization by Zipingpu key water-control project ;

  23. 潍坊市中学生《体育与健康》课程学习效果的调查研究

    Investigation about Learning Results of P.E.and Health of Weifang Middle School Students

  24. 二是介绍了潍坊市小城镇建设的主要做法;

    The second part introduces the main methods of small townish construction ;

  25. 潍坊市接种乙型肝炎疫苗免疫12年的流行病学效果评价

    Epidemiological Evaluation on the Effect of 12-Year Hepatitis B Immunization in Weifang

  26. 潍坊市县级农机化学校正规化建设的思考

    Consideration on the Normal Construction of County Agricultural Mechanization Schools in Weifang

  27. 潍坊市民俗文化资源的旅游开发研究

    On the Exploration of the Folk Cultural Resources of Weifang

  28. 潍坊市奥体中心体育场金属屋面施工技术

    Metallic Roof Construction Technology in Weifang Olympic Sports Center Stadium

  29. 潍坊市洪水资源利用现状及开发利用对策研究

    Study on Exploitation and Utilization of Flood Water Resources in Weifang City

  30. 潍坊市环境保护局污染源申报监管系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Pollution Monitoring System for Weifang Environmental Protection Agency