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  1. 青海汉代漆奁的脱水报告

    Report on dehydration of Han Dynasty lacquer Lian from Qinghai province

  2. 长沙楚墓针刻纹漆奁

    Lacquer Lian Toilet Box with Needle-incised Design from a Chu Tomb at Changsha

  3. 全国大部分省份都有汉代漆奁出土。

    Most provinces of China have unearthed lacquer lian toilet boxes of Han Dynasty .

  4. 霍贺墓嵌银箔朱绘漆奁

    Red-painted Lacquer Lian Toilet Box with Silver Foil Inlay from the Tomb of Huo He

  5. 适合纹样、独立纹样和连续纹样这三种构成形式是漆奁最基本的纹样构成形式。

    Fitting pattern , independent pattern and continuous pattern are the three most basic pattern composition manners of lacquer lian toilet boxes .

  6. 吉林省龙头山古墓群渤海国王室墓地出土的银平脱梅花瓣形漆奁是唐代银平脱工艺中一件制作精美的珍品。

    The Silvery-glazed Lacquerware in Plum Peddles Shape is a delicate treasure among the Silvery-glazed ( Yinpintuo ) Art from Tang Dynasty .

  7. 楚国出土的漆奁往往是用多种颜色的漆液或油彩在漆奁上绘制纹样。

    The lacquer lian toilet boxes excavated in Chu States were often painted with a variety of color paint solutions or greasepaints .

  8. 这套精美的化妆盒就是辛追夫人生前所用的,叫做“双层九子漆奁”。

    This beautiful box named two-tiered lacquer cosmetic box with nine smaller boxes , it was used by Xin Zhui before her death .

  9. 墓葬所出的漆奁,内部存放的物品主要分面部化妆品、梳妆工具、发饰及其他一些物品。

    In excavated lacquer lian toilet boxes , the main deposited objects are facial cosmetics , dressing tools , hair accessories and other items .

  10. 汉代的漆奁还借助于锥画、贴饰金箔片纹样来进行装饰。

    Lacquer lian toilet boxes in Han Dynasty have also used the cone painting and attached gold foil sheets to decorate patterns in addition .

  11. 汉代漆奁有圆形、方形(包括长方形、正方形)、椭圆形三类。

    Shapes of lacquer lian toilet boxes in Han Dynasty include round , square ( including rectangular , square ), and oval-shaped three categories .

  12. 漆奁作为日用小型用具是战国中后期以后,在楚国首先出现的。

    It is first that lacquer lian toilet boxes , as small appliances , came into being in Chu State after the late Warring States .

  13. 它们能够使零散多变的纹饰归于统一。第三章,对漆奁的装饰工艺进行分析。

    They can be attributed to the unification of the fragmented and varied ornamentations . Chapter ⅲ discusses decorative crafts of lacquer lian toilet boxes .

  14. 漆奁的中心纹样周围,往往饰以连续的带状纹样,增加了器皿的层次感及美感。

    Continuous patterns are usually decorated around the main pattern of lacquer lian toilet boxes to increase its sense of vision contrast and beauty utensils .

  15. 秦攻占楚郢都之前,江汉平原出土的楚国漆奁是典型的楚式漆奁。

    Before Ying capital of Chu State captured by Qin State , the unearthed lacquer lian toilet boxes in Jianghan Plain are in typical Chu-style .

  16. 漆奁盖与壁上的连续纹样之所以醒目,离不开色线和色带。

    The successive eye-catching of continuous patterns on the cover and the wall of lacquer lian toilet boxes comes with the color line and the ribbon .

  17. 马王堆锥画漆奁盒上的狩猎纹图像解读半重瓣的淡紫色堇型花,深紫色和梅子色的斑块。

    A New Interpretation of Hunting Images on a Lacquered Cosmetic Box Excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb ; Semidouble mauve pansy / purple and raspberry markings .

  18. 漆奁上丰富多样的装饰纹样是通过彩绘、锥画、金属嵌、贴饰金银箔片等装饰工艺表现出来的。

    The rich variety of patterns was performed by colored drawing , cone painting , metal inlay , gold and silver foil sticker attachment and other decorations .

  19. 战国、秦汉时期的漆奁,其器表的装饰几乎都在黑(褐)这类深色地漆上进行的。

    In Warring States , Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty , lacquer lian toilet boxes were decorated almost in dark primer paint , such as black or brown in color .

  20. 秦墓出土的漆奁形状有圆形、椭圆形两种,椭圆奁是新出现的器形。

    The shapes of lacquer lian toilet boxes excavated from Qin tomb have two types that are round and oval , and the oval shape ones is an emerging shape .

  21. 漆奁作为小型日常器具,其胎骨应以轻便为宜,主要有木胎、布脱胎,以及少量的复合胎骨。

    As small daily appliances , the fetus of lacquer lian toilet box should be light , and mainly include wooden body , cloth-born-out body , and a small amount of compound fetus .

  22. 汉代漆奁的器形与装饰工艺较战国、秦发生了巨大的变化。

    There were dramatic changes at the shapes and paint decoration technology of lacquer lian toilet boxes in Han Dynasty than that of the Warring States Period , and that of Qin Dynasty .

  23. 从器物艺术装饰的角度看,不同时代的漆奁,其装饰方式的侧重点,具有比较鲜明的时代气息和浓厚的民族特色,体现了工艺技术的变化。

    From the perspective of decorative arts , focuses of lacquer lian toilet box decorative forms in different periods , have more distinctive flavors of the times and strong national characteristics , reflecting changes in technology .

  24. 明清妆奁的设计向两个方向发展:一类妆奁继承了战国以来漆奁小巧便携的特点;另一类已演变成不易搬动的家具。

    The design of lian toilet boxes in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty evolved to two directions : one inherited the characteristics of small , portable paint lianes since the Warring States ; the other has evolved into unmovable furniture .

  25. 西汉中后期的豪华漆奁主要出土于广陵地区,代表了西汉中后期以后漆奁制作的最高水平。第七章,对漆奁体现出来的汉代的厚葬之风及神仙思想进行初步分析。

    The major luxury lacquer lian toilet boxes of the late Western Han Dynasty were unearthed in Guangling region , which representing the highest level of the late Western Han . Chapter ⅶ, author further analyzes the grand funeral and the immortal ideas in Han Dynasty .

  26. 三国、两晋到隋唐时期,从考古资料来看,漆奁的数量不多,漆奁延续了汉代漆奁的传统造型,漆艺在日臻成熟中又有所演进。

    In Three Kingdoms , Jin Dynasty , Sui Dynasty and Tang dynasty , from the view of archaeological material and data , there were only a small quantity of lacquer lian toilet boxes , which continued the traditional style in Han Dynasty evolving with more mature craft technology .