
  • 网络Seashore Sidewalk
  1. 走出信号山公园,你可以去滨海步行道看看。

    Stepping out of the Signal Hill Park , you could take a stroll on the seashore sidewalk along the coast .

  2. 一名女子在Twitter上表示,从她家露台上可以看到事发那条滨海步行道,她称自己听到了枪响。

    On Twitter , a woman who said her terrace overlooked the promenade where the episode unfolded reported hearing gunfire .

  3. 滨海步行道:建设滨海步行道是迎办2008年奥运会的重点项目之一。

    Beautiful Seashore Boardwalk : The construction of a seashore boardwalk is one of the key project to be completed before the2008 Olympic Games .

  4. 巴黎——周四晚间,法国南部城市尼斯的滨海步行道举办年度国庆焰火活动,一辆卡车冲进正在观礼的人群,造成严重死伤。目击者表示还听到了枪声。

    PARIS - A truck plowed into a large crowd watching the annual Bastille Day fireworks on the promenade in Nice on Thursday night , and witnesses reported hearing gunshots .