- filtration barrier

Effects of Glutamine and Soybean Peptide Supplementation on the Structure of Kidney Filtration Barrier and Component of Urinary of Over-training Rats
One of the effective mechanism of Fangji Huangqi Decoction is repairing glomerular filtration barrier damage by increasing CD2-associated protein expression and decreasing heparanases expression .
Objective : Glycosaminoglycans ( GAGs ) are the major component of the glomerular basement membrane .
The glomerular filtration barrier present in the capillary walls is comprised of a fenestrated endothelium , the glomerular basement membrane ( GBM ), and highly specialized visceral epithelial called podocytes , the foot processes of which cover the outer surface of the GBM .
Changes of ultrastructures of filtration membrane during development of rat renal corpuscle
Morphometric study of the protamine-induced pathological changes to the kidney filtration barrier in rat
One of the main pathological changes is proteinuria which caused by glomerular filtration barrier damage .
Morphological characteristics of glomerular filtration barrier may be consistent with the lower reptile glomerular filtration rate .
These changes were also the main pathogenic bases of kidney filtration barrier permeability increase and heavy proteinuria .
Effects of Swimming with Different Loads on Modality , Structure and Function of Kidney Filtration Barrier of Rats
Podocyte injury causes not only the destruction of the glomerular filtration barrier , but also the formation of proteinuria , leading to glomerular sclerosis .
The changes of polyanion of the glomerular filtration barrier and the morphological changes of epithelial foot processes were studied using an Image Analyzer and stereological techniques .
The glomerular filtration barrier consists of capillary endothelial cells , basement membrane and podocytes . Podocytes play a key role in the process of glomerular filtration .
The results presented that the damage of glomerular filtration membrane had already taken place and , that the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule showed cloudy swelling at 1 week .
Plasma ultrafiltration during primary urine formation is a central function of the kidney , occuring through the glomerular filtration barrier , which is composed of a fenestrated endothelium , the glomerular basement membrane and specialized epithelial cells called podocyte .
Objective To investigate the influence of glucose and lipid metabolic disorders on podocyte , the last barrier of glomerular filtration , to research the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy . Methods Diabetic rats were induced by streptozotocin ( STZ ) .
The pathogenesis of IMN is because of the thickened basement membrane that resulted from immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillary loop , it can active complement and destroy the podocyte lead to the damage of glomerular filtration membrane , and then lead to massive proteinuria .
In recent years , it was found that podocyte play an important role in the development of DN , and podocyte injury can led to the damage of filtration membrane charge barrier and aperture barrier , which is an important reason for the formation of proteinuria .
Glomerulus is the most important part of kidney filtration and excretion function . In some clinical pathological cases , the glomerular filtration barrier will be damaged and followed by large proteins leakage and proteinuria .