- 【生】follicular epithelial cell

The Correlation Between the DNA Content in Human Thyroid Follicular Epithelial Cells and the Postmortem Interval
Apoptosis of thyroid follicle cells : C group thyroid of two strain mice have few weakly positive cells .
Objective To study the relationship between the DNA content in follicular epithelial cells of the human thyroid and postmortem interval ( PMI ) .
IGF - ⅰ R monoclonal antibody may effectively inhibit primary carcinoma cells while it is less detrimental to normal follicular cells .
Results The human thyroid follicular epithelial cells and parafollicular cells showed positive immunoreactivity of GnRH and GnRH R.
Methods Changes of the DNA content in thyroid follicular epithelial cells at different PMI were determined by Methyl Green-Pyronin ( MGP ) stain combined with an image analysis technique .
In addition , AP could induce oxidative damage in thyroid and the ultrastructural pathological images showed obvious swelling and extension of mitochondrion and endoplasmic reticulum in epithelial cells .
The activity of RNA and DNA of follicular cells are especially active during yolk formation period . So it is considered that some material which is synthesized and secreted by follicular cells joins the formation of livetin .
Oocytes grew in size and follicular cells began to appear .
The cross section of follicular cells was higher than the control .
Thyroidal follicular cell colliod increased obviously on the 1st day after pinealectomy .
Follicle epithelia hyperplasia , carcinogenesis related to thyroiditis
Methods The effects of excess iodine on rat thyroid and human thyroid cell were observed .
Oocyte grew in size . Follicular cells became columned and open spaces appeared between them .
Using scaning electron microscope and phase contrast microscope studies for vitro culture of rat thyroid cell
The influence of hydrocortisone on the thyroid follicular epithelial cells in rats & ultrastructural observation and morphometric analysis
This human epithelial cells long term culture model might be useful for the study of autoimmune thyroiditis pathogenesis .
Additionally part of follicular cells dropped to follicular cavities , nucleus of which were deformed , rude and broken .
In thyroid with autoimmune thyroiditis , there were some apoptosis infiltrating lymphocytes and a few apoptosis thyroid follicular cells .
From the result , thyroglobulin could be considered as good marker for diagnosis of tumors of thyroid follicular cell origination .
There was no significant changes in ultrastructure of follicular epithelial cells and parafollicular cells of thyroid gland in each group .
The height of the thyroid follicular epithelial cells was measured in the patients with abnormal thyroid function by quantitive cytologic determination .
Therefore , the measurement of thyroid follicular cell height is of clinical significance to making clear the thyroid functions and the diagnosis and cure .
The thyroid gland of grey mullet is a specific secretory gland and composed of follicles , i.e. monolayer spheres of thyroid epithelial cells without cillium .
The evidences mentioned above were accord with the morphological changes of thyroid follicular epithelial cell and adenohypophysis thyrotroph seen under electronic microscopy in a sense .
These results demonstrates that germanium gluconate can stimulate the secretion of the somatotrophic cells and inhibit the functions of the thyrotrophic and follicular epithelial cells .
Conclusion Follicular epithelial cells possess the necessary molecular basis for presenting autoantigens and activating T cells , at least in a part of the patients .
One hundred to 145 tumour cell nuclei were studied per case for their area , perimeter , regular form factor , equivalent diameter , darkness and the ratio of nuclear area to cytoplasmic area .
The thyroid morphology is colloid goiter , and with iodine dose increasing , the follicular epithelial cells gradually become thallus , the nuclear become shuttle , the cavity of follicle gradually spread , colloid content gradually increasing .
Thyroid tissue structure and thyroid hormones of rats with drinking high fluoride ( F ) water and feeding selenium ( Se ) feed were observed to study the effects of high F and supplied Se on thyroid .