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  • 网络Man Duhai
  1. 主要是讲述钦百夫人、准黑夫人、萨姆日公主、满都海夫人等上层社会妇女在政治、经济、文化、教育中的影响。

    About Khin one hundred Mrs. quasi-dark lady , Sam Day Princess , full of Hive and upper class women in the political , economic , cultural , educational .

  2. 本文以呼和浩特市青城公园及满都海公园为例,对公园内树种与植物群落进行调查与分析,并对其植物群落进行景观评价。

    This paper gives landscape evaluation on the plant communities by investigating and analyzing the tree species and plant communities of two following parks in Hohhot , Qing Cheng Park and Man Dou Hai Park .