
  • 网络progressive exploration and development
  1. 不稳定试井资料在滚动勘探开发中的应用分析

    Application of Transient Well Test Data in Progressive Exploration and Development

  2. 文留油气田滚动勘探开发研究

    Study of progressive exploration and development in Wenliu oilfield

  3. CB油田滚动勘探开发中的主要技术

    Main Techniques Used in Rolling Exploration and Development in CB Oilfield

  4. 在开发初期实施了以地质综合研究为基础、亮点、AVO等为核心的气藏地震勘探描述、以气藏工程研究为主要手段的滚动勘探开发一体化技术,以提高钻井成功率。

    Progressive exploration and development is put in practice during initial phase , based upon gas reservoir characterization and gas reservoir engineering research as major measure , to enhance drilling success ratio .

  5. 滚动勘探开发的成功表明Fula油田和Moga油田之间是原油储量增长的潜力区。

    The success of the proposed satellite wells indicates the reserve potential area is in between Moga and Fula oil fields .

  6. 所得结果标定准确、垂向分辨率高达2~6m、纵横向变化合理,为滚动勘探开发过程中的储层精细预测提供了可靠依据。

    The final results have accurate calibration , vertical resolution of 2 ~ 6m , and reasonable scales in vertical and horizontal directions . They can be the reliable bases for detailed reservoir prediction in rolling exploration .

  7. 将预测结果和实钻结果对比,砂岩厚度误差为1~2m,含油饱和度误差为1%~5%,预测结果可靠而直观,为蒙古林油田北部滚动勘探开发中的扩边工作部署提供了依据。

    Comparing the predicted result to drilled result , the sand depth error is between 1 2 m , and the saturation error is between 1 % 5 % . From that , the authers think the predicted result reliable and visualized .

  8. 低幅度构造油藏滚动勘探开发实践

    Progressive Exploration and Development Practice on Low - Amplitude Structural Reservoir

  9. 文西复杂带滚动勘探开发中应用的关键技术

    Key Techniques of Wenxi Copmlex Zone in Rolling Exploration and Development

  10. 滚动勘探开发阶段精细储层预测技术及其应用

    Refined reservoir prediction techniques for progressive exploration and development and its application

  11. 江苏油田高勘探区复杂断块油藏的滚动勘探开发

    Simultaneous exploration and development of complex fault-block oil reservoirs in Subei Oilfield

  12. 复杂断块油气田滚动勘探开发特征及主要技术

    Rolling Exploration and Development Characteristics and Its Main Techniques for Complex Fault-Block Oilfield

  13. 滚动勘探开发目标区的优选

    Optimization of prospects in the progressive exploration and development

  14. 泌阳凹陷滚动勘探开发的新领域&白云岩系油藏

    New Area of the Progressive Exploration and Development-the Dolomitic System Reservoir in Biyang Sag

  15. 火成岩遮挡油藏特征及滚动勘探开发实践

    The nature of igneous rock screened reservoir and the practice of exploration and development

  16. 深层隐蔽油气藏滚动勘探开发实践

    Progressive exploration and development in deep subtle reservoirs

  17. 断块复杂带滚动勘探开发的关键技术

    The Important Technology of Continuous Prospecting and Exploitation at the Complicated Section of Fault

  18. 化探精查在南阳凹陷滚动勘探开发中的应用

    Application of Meticulous Geochemical Survey in Rolling Exploration and Development in the Nanyang Sag

  19. 对滚动勘探开发中提高钻探、开发效益是有用的。

    This method is useful to increase the efficiency of rolling exploration and development .

  20. 文留油气田属于复杂岩性构造油气田,目前已进入滚动勘探开发阶段。

    Wenliu oilfield is a complex lithologic-structural oilfield and has entered progressive exploration and development stage .

  21. 葡北地区是吐哈盆地台北凹陷较有利的滚动勘探开发目标区。

    Pubei area is a fairly promising progressive exploration target in Taibei sag , Tuha basin .

  22. 西部主要是稠油区块的稠油。滚动勘探开发目标区的优选

    In West area , heavy oils dominant . optimization of prospects in the progressive exploration and development

  23. 实践证明,复杂小断块油藏必须实行滚动勘探开发;

    Practice shows that for small fault block complex reservoirs , progressive exploration and development must be used ;

  24. 在其开发过程中,采用适合于该油田的“滚动勘探开发”程序,取得了较好的效果。

    During developing process , good effect has been achieved by using " progressive exploration and development " .

  25. 利用地震亮点技术实现浅层气藏滚动勘探开发的一个实例

    A case study of progressive exploration and development of shallow gas reservoir utilizing technique of seismic bright spot

  26. 2000年开始投入滚动勘探开发,取得了良好的效果。

    From 2000 , this area went into the Progressive Exploration & Development stage , which shows excellent effect .

  27. 详细研究了欢23井区杜家台油层构造、沉积、储层及圈闭特征,在圈闭综合评价基础上提出了井位部署建议。为油田增储上产及滚动勘探开发提供了可靠地质依据。

    It also researched the formation , sediment , production-zone of Huan-23.It provides the well-location after the comprehensive trap evaluation .

  28. 油田20余年的开发历程是典型的滚动勘探开发过程。

    The 20 years of development history of the reservoirs has shown a typical procedure of successive exploration and development .

  29. 指出了井间储层的有利区块,为下一步滚动勘探开发提供了依据。

    The favorable reservoir areas between wells are pointed out , which provides reference for the next on-going exploration and exploitation .

  30. 这些优选的靶区将为下一步滚动勘探开发部署提供重要的地质依据。

    The preferred target area will provide an important geological basis to the next step for rolling exploration and development department .