
rónɡ jiě yǎnɡ
  • dissolved oxygen
  1. 海水中的溶解氧、pH值均表现出与海水温度相反的分布趋势;

    The dissolved oxygen and pH have opposite distribution to the water temperature .

  2. 污水好氧处理系统中溶解氧的模糊PID控制

    Fuzzy-PID Control for dissolved oxygen in aerobic wastewater treatment system

  3. 第二类为亚硝酸盐、溶解氧、浊度和pH值;

    The second is nitrite , DO , turbidness and pH ;

  4. 一种新型的溶解氧、pH值、温度智能监控器

    New Intelligence Controller of Dissolvent Oxygen and Value of pH and Temperature

  5. 研究发现,在发酵过程中,pH值、溶解氧对D-核糖的产率影响显著。

    In fermentation process , pH and oxidative highly affected D-ribose production .

  6. pH值和溶解氧对低碳钢点蚀诱发的影响

    Effects of pH Value and Dissolved Oxygen on Pit Initiation Behavior of Mild Steel

  7. 南海北部秋季营养盐、溶解氧、pH值和叶绿素a分布特征及相互关系

    Distribution of Macro-nutrients , Dissolved Oxygen , pH and Chl a and Their Relationships in Northern South China Sea

  8. 盐度、溶解氧及pH值适中,是温带各种海洋生物生长的良好环境;

    The salinity , DO and pH were medium , which made an excellent environment for various marine organisms to grow ;

  9. 盐度、溶解氧和pH对类蛋白和类腐殖质荧光的影响很小;

    Some inorganic factors , such as salinity , dissolved oxygen and pH , have little effects on protein-like and humic-like fluorescence .

  10. 水蚤能适应很大范围的温度和溶解氧,但对溶液pH值有要求。

    Daphnia could adapt to a wide range of temperature and dissolved oxygen of the water , whereas need proper pH value .

  11. 海水中溶解氧、PH值、氨氮含量的变化,对海产经济鱼类正常生活影响显著。

    The content change of DO , PH and NH-N in sea water has much effects on normal growing of the economic fishes .

  12. 静态试验中,围隔水质监测结果表明:本次试验所选的水生植物能有效地提高水体中的溶解氧含量,降解和去除水体中的N、P等营养盐类和有机污染物。

    It could be seen from the results that the aquatic macrophytes selected in this test improved the concentration of DO in water , decomposed contaminations effectively .

  13. 用溶解氧测定仪一次测定BOD5

    Determining of BOD_5 with Dissolved Oxygen Meter in One Measure

  14. 基于FET结构的Pt-LaF3混合膜溶解氧传感器

    Pt-LaF_3 Mixture Film Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Based on FET Structure

  15. 以ANFIS模型实时预测曝气池溶解氧浓度

    Real-time Forecast of DO Concentration in Aeration Tank Using ANFIS Model

  16. 结果表明,温度、溶解氧、盐度和pH值是评价5种海洋工程钢材海水腐蚀行为的主要介质参数。

    The results showed that temperature , dissolved oxygen , salinity and pH value were main factors which affect the corrosion behavior of the five steels in seawater .

  17. 该实验合成了基于Pt席夫碱配合物的一种新型溶解氧敏感材料。

    This paper reports a new kind of dissolved oxygen sensitive material , which bases on a new Pt schiff base complex .

  18. 本系统在实际现场测试中运行稳定,实现了对溶解氧、PH值和温度等水产养殖环境因子的自动监控。

    In practice , the system functions can measure and control some kinds of environmental factors , such as , DO ( Dissolved Oxygen ), PH , and Temperature .

  19. 海水pH值、盐度、温度、溶解氧浓度及重金属离子浓度的变化均影响5052铝合金的耐腐蚀性。

    The corrosion resistance of both 5052 aluminium alloys were influenced by the variation of pH , salinity , temperature , dissolved oxygen concentration and heavy metal ions concentration of seawater .

  20. 就SBR法处理啤酒废水过程中溶解氧(DO)对有机物降解反应的影响进行了研究。

    The effect of DO concentration on organic matter degradation rate was studied when treating brewery wastewater by sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) process .

  21. 采用SBR法处理石油化工废水,根据反应器内有机物降解与溶解氧浓度(DO)的相关性,提出了以DO作为SBR法的模糊控制参数。

    Petrochemical wastewater was treated by SBR process using DO as fuzzy control parameter in considering the relationship between the organic matter degradation and DO concentration .

  22. 本文分析了水体的温度、盐度、pH、溶解氧、总氮、磷和钙等各因子与发生对虾疾病的关系。

    Based on the analyses of temperature , salinity , pH , dissolved oxygen , phosphate and calcium in the water , the relation was discussed between the above-mentioned factors and diseases of Chinese shrimp .

  23. 结果表明,底泥的性质、水温及pH、溶解氧和藻类的生长,对氮素转化都有一定的影响。

    The results demonstrate that the nitrogen conversion in water is affected to a certain extent by the nature of the sediment , temperature , pH , DO and the growth of algae in water .

  24. 试验结果证明,添加光合细菌后,水族箱水体的COD、氨氮和总磷显著降低,pH略有上升,溶解氧含量提高,水质得到显著净化。

    Because of the addition of photosynthetic bacteria , the COD , NH_4-N and total p reduced remarkably and pH increased slightly , DO increased also and the water was purified remarkably .

  25. 以LSAR(球形木素磺酸阳离子树脂)为载体,在升流式好氧生物流化床中,测定不同溶解氧条件下基质的COD去除率。

    The matrix COD removal rate is evaluated in the aerobic fluidized bed by the carrier LSAR .

  26. 氧化沟系统的溶解氧控制具有多变量、大时滞的特点,采用PID或者简单模糊方式难以进行简捷和有效的控制。

    Control of dissolved oxygen ( DO ) in oxidation ditch system involves several variants with great time lag , which makes it ineffective to adopt PID approach or simple fuzzy technology for DO control .

  27. 利用室内和室外模拟实验研究了光强、温度、溶解氧、pH值和腐殖质等因素对α-萘酚光降解的影响。

    The effects of light intensity , temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH value and humic acid on the degradation of α - naphthol were investigated , respectively , by means of indoor and outdoor simulation experiments .

  28. 研究了生物膜法同步硝化反硝化系统中曝气时间、溶解氧和进水COD负荷对COD及脱氮效率的影响。

    The effect of aeration time , DO concentration and inlet COD loading on the COD and nitrogen removal efficiency in biofilm simultaneous nitrification and denitrification ( SND ) is studied .

  29. 本次实验主要考察环境因子溶解氧、pH、温度对底泥中氮、磷释放的影响,总结氮、磷释放的规律。

    This experiment investigated the influence of environmental factors which contain dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature on the release of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment , and summed up the release law of the nitrogen and phosphorus .

  30. 2类细菌的N2O生成机理及逸出量与系统中溶解氧的高低密切相关。

    The mechanism of N_2O production and amount of emission from these two kinds of bacteria are associated with dissolved oxygen in the system .