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  1. 三峡水库岸坡散体滑坡综合治理模式研究&以重庆市万州区红溪沟滑坡为例

    Research of synthetic treatment of loose earth landslides along the bank of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  2. 巴东以上的主要溪沟应修建谷坊,把来石拦阻在沟内。

    Walls must be built on the outlet of main valleys situated above Badong , so that the coming stones could remain in the valleys .

  3. 田间道、生产路跨越沟渠或溪沟处可布置农桥,农桥分为田间道桥和人行便桥。

    Agricultural bridge can be arranged where field road and production road crossing ditches or gully which falls into for field road and for pedestrian .

  4. 大渡河深溪沟水电站截流具有截流流量大、河道水面比降大、河床覆盖层厚等特点。

    The closure of Shenxigou Water Power Station Project was characterized by its large closure discharge , big water surface slope , thick and complex riverbed overburden etc.

  5. 在系统深入地研究瀑布沟水电站库首右岸深部裂缝和深溪沟水电站坝区右岸岸坡深部裂缝的地质和岩体力学环境基础上,建立深部裂缝的力学机制类型。

    On the basis of systemically and thoroughly studying geology and environment foundation of the deep crack , this paper has established the formation mechanism of deep crack .

  6. 在湖面的另一头,有一个水沟或者一处溪沟,可以通出去几英里之外,不知道通往何处,不过并非是注入大河的。

    There was a slough or a creek leading out of it on the other side that went miles away , I don 't know where , but it didn 't go to the river .

  7. 从影响溪口冲积扇形态的三要素(即流域面积、溪沟纵坡、溪沟长度)入手,探讨了这三者之间的关系及其相互的影响。

    Three main parameters related to the gorge channel , namely water-shed area , longitudinal slope of channel and the length of channel , have influence on the morphology of alluvial fan near gorge mouth .