
  • humid period
  1. 我们现在是处于另一个“非洲湿润期”的边缘吗?

    Are we on the verge of another African humid period ?

  2. 黄土高原湿润期特点与农业生产布局

    The characteristics of the humid period and the rational layout of the agricultural production in the Loess Plateau

  3. 这一时期被称为非洲湿润期,离我们现在所熟悉的北非十分久远。

    This period , known as the African Humid Period was far from northern Africa we know today .

  4. 论全球现代干燥半干燥沙区晚第四纪的湿润期与干燥期&全球主要现代干燥半干燥沙区晚第四纪以来流沙扩展与固定的初步研究

    A paper on the humid and arid periods during late Quaternary in global modern arid and semi-arid sandy land regions

  5. 然而,大约在5500年前,北非地区的湿气突然中断,湿润期终结。

    It appears that approximately 5500 years ago , however , northern Africa moisture was suddenly cut off , ending the humid period .

  6. 气候湿润期(间冰期)沙丘主要通过钙胶结层固定沙丘表面,并增大沙山基底;

    During the humid period ( interglaicial period ) sand dune surface was stabilized by calcareous cement layer , thus the dune bases were enlarged .

  7. 沙漠里岩石上的抓痕是湿润期撒哈拉的记录,当时象狮子、大象、和犀牛这类依水而生的动物也生活在这里。

    Scratched on the desert 's rocks are the memories of a wetter Sahara , when water-dependent creatures such as lions , elephants , and rhinoceroses lived here .

  8. 新石器时代到商代黄河流域的气候属于温暖湿润期;

    In the period between the new Stone Age and the Shang Dynasty the climate and environment in the middle valley of the Yellow River was warm and humid .

  9. 校正后下部盐层的年龄说明该地区气候由湿润变为干旱期约发生在距今45ka。

    The corrected age results of the lower unit show a climate shift from wet into dry at about 45 ka ago in this area .

  10. 在4870~2350aBP期间,气候从暖湿到温暖湿润,又从全新世气候适宜期转变为较湿润期。

    During 4870-2350 a BP the climate changed from warm-moist to warmer-moister and then changed from the Holocene climatic optimum to relatively moist .