
  • 网络wetland landscape
  1. 通过建立研究区湿地景观指数,对12年来研究区湿地景观格局变化情况进行了分析。

    Through the establishment of wetland landscape index , the landscape patterns changes of the study area have been analyzed .

  2. 基于GIS的扬州瘦西湖新区湿地景观格局分析

    Analysis of wetland landscape pattern of Slender West Lake new area using geography information system

  3. 结合GIS工具绘制1999年、2004年辽河口湿地景观类型图谱。

    The maps of Liaohe estuarine wetland landscape type of 1999 and 2004 were drawn using RS and GIS .

  4. 基于RS与GIS技术的北京城市公园湿地景观格局研究

    A study of the wetland spatial pattern of Beijing Parks Based on RS and GIS technology

  5. 基于RS和GIS的盐城海岸带湿地景观格局变化及其驱动力研究

    Analysis on the landscape pattern changes and drive of Yancheng coastal wetland in Jiangsu based on RS and GIS technology

  6. 基于JESS的四湖湿地景观的遥感分类

    The Remote Sensing Classification of Wetland Landscape in the Four-Lakes Area Based on JESS

  7. 城市绿地中人工湿地景观的营造

    Construction of the Artificial Wetland Landscape in the Urban Green Space

  8. 闽江河口湿地景观格局分析。

    The analysis on wetland landscape pattern in Minjiang River Estuary .

  9. 湿地景观变化对水禽生境影响研究进展

    Research Progress on Impacts of Wetland Landscape Changes on Waterfowls Habitats

  10. 长江南京段湿地景观格局变化特征

    Wetland Landscape Pattern Changes along the Yangtze River in Nanjing City

  11. 辽河三角洲湿地景观的水文调节与防洪功能

    Hydrological Adjustment and Flooding Control of Wetlands in the Liaohe Delta

  12. 关于东洞庭湖湿地景观保护与可持续利用的思考

    Protection and Sustainable Utilization of Wetland Landscape in East Dongting Lake

  13. 洞庭湖湿地景观结构与生态工程模式研究

    Preliminary Study on Wetland Landscape and Ecological Engineering Models in Dongting Lake

  14. 人为活动已成为大连市湿地景观格局变化的主要驱动因子。

    Human activity was the main driving force for the landscape change .

  15. 城市湿地景观建设及其需水量研究&以郑州市为例

    Study on Landscape Construct And Water Requirement Of Urban Wetland

  16. 永定河流域石景山段湿地景观规划设计研究

    Wetland Landscape Planning in the Shijingshan Section of Yongding River

  17. 江苏盐城滨海湿地景观格局时空动态研究

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of coastal wetland landscape patterns in yancheng , jiangsu Province

  18. 黄河三角洲湿地景观格局动态变化分析

    Study on Dynamic Changes of Wetland Landscape Pattern in Yellow River Delta

  19. 湿地景观与中国哲学理念的融合浅析

    Analysis on the Intergration of Wetland Landscape Design and Chinese Traditional Philosophy

  20. 城市湿地景观生态建设的价值取向

    Valuable Tropism in Constructing Ecological Landscapes of the Urban Wetland

  21. 玛曲沼泽湿地景观格局变化研究及驱动力分析

    Dynamic change of marsh landscape patterns and its driving forces in Maqu

  22. 福建兴化湾围填海湿地景观生态影响研究

    Impact of reclamation on wetland landscape ecology in Xinghua Bay

  23. 苏州城市生态湿地景观构建初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Establishment of Ecological Wetland Landscape in Suzhou

  24. 南洞庭湖湿地景观多样性与保护对策的研究

    Wetland landscape diversity and its conservation countermeasures in the South Dongting Lake

  25. 马尔科夫模型下的乐清湾湿地景观变化分析

    Landscape Changes of the Wetland in Yueqing Bay Based on Markov Model

  26. 景观格局方面,斑块数量不断增加,盐城滨海湿地景观破碎化加剧。

    With the increasing number of patches , wetland landscape fragmentation increased .

  27. 辽河三角洲湿地景观格局对养分去除功能影响的模拟

    Effect of Wetland Landscape Pattern on Nutrient Reduction in the Liaohe Delta

  28. 提出河流湿地景观的的设计方法及理论。

    Proposed river wetland landscape design methods and theories .

  29. 福州市湿地景观类型特征与保护利用研究

    Study on Characteristics of Fuzhou Wetland Landscape Types and Its Protection and Utilization

  30. 江苏省盐城海岸带湿地景观格局变化研究

    Landscape Pattern Change of Yancheng Coastal Wetland in Jiangsu