
  • 网络Hunan Library;Hunan Provincial Library
  1. 湖南图书馆自动化工作的现状及前瞻

    The Present Situation and The Future of The Automation in Hunan Library

  2. 湖南图书馆地方文献工作回顾与思考

    Review and Thinking of Local Literature Work in Hunan Library

  3. 我馆地方文献的收集、开发与利用湖南图书馆百年历程

    The Collection , Arrangement and Exploitation of Local Documents in Hunan Library

  4. 湖南图书馆读者到馆规律初探&读者系列调研报告之一

    A Preliminary Probe into the Readership Regularity of Hunan Library

  5. 湖南图书馆读者队伍状况调查报告

    An Investigation on Reader Situation of Hunan Library

  6. 网络环境下地方文献工作模式的探讨&从湖南图书馆“地方文献长廊”网页谈起

    Probe into the network propaganda of the local literature resources & introduce the web pages " local literature long corridor "

  7. 本文通过对湖南图书馆96、97年读者队伍现状以及读者阅读利用情况的调查,从发展读者的角度提出了一些建议。

    Based on investigating the reader situation ( 1996 & 1997 ) and book utilization ratio , this paper make some proposals on the reader development .

  8. 本文较为详实的反映了湖南图书馆现有馆藏书刊的收藏状况,并对其藏书管理中存在的某些问题提出了自己的见解。

    This survey reflectes the collection condition of the publications collection of Hunan Library and puts forward own views based on some problems in the library collection management .

  9. 基于UNIX的数字图书馆动态数据异地备份的简便实现&以湖南大学图书馆为例

    Simple Implementation of Unix-based Dynamic Data Remote Backup of Digital Library & A Case of Hunan University Library

  10. 湖南区域图书馆联合在线咨询的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions of the Joint Online Consultation of Hunan Library

  11. 湖南大学图书馆《重点学科导航数据库》的建设与研究

    The Construction and Study about Key Course Navigation Database of Hunan University Library

  12. 湖南高校图书馆信息素养教育现状的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Information Quality Education in University Libraries of Hunan

  13. 本文介绍了湖南大学图书馆近几年建设与发展历程。

    This article introduces the construction and development of library of Hunan University in recent years .

  14. 民国视野下的湖南地方图书馆事业(1912-1949)(续)

    The Local Library Undertaking of Hunan under the Visual Field of Republic of China ( 1912-1949 )

  15. 经组织专家现场踏勘和推测,拍摄地点应当在现在的湖南大学图书馆至体育馆一带。

    Surveyed by experts , the place shown on the picture is now a Library and a stadium of Hunan University .

  16. 本文回顾了湖南大学图书馆素质教育基地自创建以来,开展的一系列素质教育的活动,综述了近二十年来的发展情况。

    This paper looks back the education for all-round development base of the Hunan University Library from establish open the activity of a series of education for all-round development of the exhibition , overview to the development circumstances in the last 20 years .

  17. 本文对GBF现浇砼空心无梁楼盖技术进行了简要的介绍,并针对该项技术应用于湖南科技学院图书馆的施工方案和施工效果进行了细致的描述和分析。

    This technology is introduced and its construction scheme and the construction result are described and analyzed detailedly .

  18. 为此,本论文在对高校图书馆管理系统进行需求分析的基础上,利用.NET技术、数据库技术以及VB语言,结合湖南工学院图书馆实际情况,研究开发了基于ASP技术与模糊评价体系的图书馆管理系统。

    Thus , we have analyzed the requirement of university library management system by using the . NET technology and database management and VB programming language and applied it in practice with the consideration of the real situation of Hunan Institute of Technology .

  19. 湖南师范大学图书馆历史文献的收藏及特色

    The Historical Document Collection and the Characteristic in Hunan Normal University Library

  20. 湖南省公共图书馆文献信息资源共建共享策论

    On Constructing and Sharing the Document Information Resources Together of Hunan Public Libraries

  21. 湖南省高校图书馆虚拟馆藏建设调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on establishment of virtual library collection of academic libraries in Hunan

  22. 湖南省高校图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务现状

    The Present Status of Virtual Reference Consulting Service of University Libraries in Hunan Province

  23. 湖南农业大学图书馆外文期刊馆藏结构调查

    A study on foreign journal ′ s collection structure in Library of Hunan Agricultural University

  24. 湖南科技大学图书馆网络系统设计

    The design of the library 's network system in Hunan University of Science and Technology

  25. 湖南省公共图书馆科技兴农工作存在的问题及对策

    Current Problem and Countermeasures of the Developing Agricultural Science and Technology in Hunan Public Library

  26. 民国年间的湖南私立公共图书馆概况

    A General Survey of Private Public Libraries of Republic of China ( 1912-1949 ) in Hunan

  27. 地方高校图书馆的地方文献建设&以湖南文理学院图书馆为例

    Building of the Local Literature of Local Academic Library & Hunan University of Arts and Science as an Example moonlight school

  28. 从实践出发,记叙了湖南农业大学图书馆农业、生物图书阅览室服务创新的全过程。

    The paper has recorded the whole process of service innovation practice in the Agricultural and Biological Reading-Room of the University 's library .

  29. 新时期高校图书馆的图书验收工作&以湖南工业大学图书馆为例

    The Book Checking-In of the University Library in the New Age & Taking The Library of Hunan University of Technology as an Example

  30. 农业高校图书馆全开放知识超市管理模式探讨&以湖南农业大学图书馆为例

    On the Full-Open " Knowledge Supermarket " Management Pattern of Agricultural College Libraries & A Case Study of the Library of Hunan Agricultural University