
  • 网络Mekong River Commission;MRC
  1. 湄公河委员会在团结四个湄公河下游国家来讨论管理湄公河方面发挥了非常重要的作用,湄公河下游合作也是取得了非常显著的进步。

    The lower Mekong cooperation is quite progressive through the MRC which plays very important role in bringing together all the four lower Mekong countries to discuss and manage the river .

  2. 湄公河委员会『正在支持一项四个国家共同参与的更为广泛的联合流域规划过程,称为流域发展规划,它是水资源全面发展项目的基础。

    The MRC is supporting a joint basin wide planning process with the four countries , called the Basin Development Plan , which is the basis of its Integrated Water Resources Development Programme .

  3. 湄公河委员会(MRC)是东南亚湄公河流域一个极为重要的国际河流组织,该委员会形成旨在共同调查湄公河下游流域状况。

    The Mekong River Commission ( MRC ) is the main and most important international river organization in the Mekong basin in the Southeast Asia with the formation of the committee for coordination of the investigation of the Lower Mekong River Basin ( LMRB ) .

  4. 联委会主席泰那武说,湄公河委员会已经要求老挝澄清有关情况。

    Te Navuth said the commission has asked for clarification from Laos .

  5. 就在湄公河委员会这个星期举行会议之前,有报导说,老挝早在去年就已经开始为沙耶武里水坝工程修建公路了。

    The deadlock follows reports this week that Laos started road construction last year for the project .

  6. 湄公河委员会致力于湄公河流域的可持续发展。

    The Mekong River Commission is committed to sustainable development of the Mekong River and its related resources .

  7. 然而湄公河委员会联委会主席泰那武表示,柬埔寨、泰国和越南对此都感到怀疑。

    However , Te Navuth , chairman of the MRC 's Joint Committee , said Cambodia , Thailand , and Vietnam have doubts .

  8. 湄公河委员会的一项研究结果显示,沙耶武里水坝会影响鱼类回游,甚至导致湄公河大鲶鱼等濒危物种绝迹。

    One commission study concluded the dam would affect fish migration and could drive endangered species , like the Mekong giant catfish , to extinction .

  9. 根据湄公河委员会的规定,这四个邻国在湄公河沿岸工程问题上要进行协商,但是不必得到相互间的许可。

    Under the commission , the four neighbors consult each other on projects along the river , but do not need each other 's permission .

  10. 但是湄公河委员会的一份报告说,由于水库泥沙堆积,沙耶武里水电站有可能在30年的时间里失去60%的发电能力。

    A commission report said the dam could lose up to60 percent of its operating capacity in30 years , though , because of sediment building up in the reservoir .

  11. 湄公河委员会成员国泰国、老挝、柬埔寨和越南本周末将召开会议,讨论湄公河水量不足和未来发展问题。

    The Mekong River Commission , which includes Thailand , Laos , Cambodia and Vietnam , will meet this weekend to discuss the water shortage and future developments along the river .

  12. 在湄公河委员会在老挝首都万象举行的一个会议上,老挝坚持让沙耶武里水坝破土动工,并且说工程将达到国际标准。

    At a meeting of the Mekong River Commission in the Lao capital , Vientiane , Laos insisted the Xayaburi dam go ahead , saying it will be up to international standards .

  13. 然而,湄公河委员会不仅仅做协调工作,我们自己也积极地开展湿地研究与管理。老师们积极参与,各展身手,赛场上一片趣味盎然。

    However , MRC does no only coordinate work , but is also actively involved in research and development of wetlands management issues . The teachers tried their best , and they had a good time on the playground .