
  1. 在线游戏运营商盛大互动娱乐有限公司(shandainteractiveentertainment)则推出韩国已经开发出来的游戏。

    Online games operator Shanda Interactive Entertainment introduced games that had already been developed in South Korea .

  2. 为了避免日趋泛滥的非法外挂程序对广大游戏运营商和玩家利益的损害,给出了基于DES和RSA算法的网络游戏数据健壮加密方案。

    In order to resist the injury of illegal peripheral programs to the benefits of the game operators and players , which are almost overrunning the market , a strong encryption technique for data of network games based on DES and RSA algorithms is given .

  3. 本文从网络游戏运营商的角度研究企业应如何为网络大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)中的虚拟产品进行定价。价格是价值的反映。

    From the perspective of online game operator , This paper studys how companies to price the virtual product in the network massively multiplayer online role-playing game ( MMORPG ) . Price is a reflection of the value .

  4. 本文主要探讨了网络游戏运营商的安全保障义务。

    This paper discussed the security obligation of the online game operator .

  5. 网络游戏运营支撑系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Online-Game Operation and Support System

  6. 第二,网络游戏运营商的权利也没有具体规定。

    Second , the rights of operators does not specified .

  7. 其次,它损害了网络游戏运营商的收益。

    Second , it tort the benefits of the online game operators .

  8. 随着竞争的激烈,游戏运营商的运营水平也会不断提高。

    As competition will get fiercer so will the quality of operating practices .

  9. 本课题是为实际应用服务的,是在游戏运营的基础上提出的,具有一定的应用价值。

    This subject is based on the game operation .

  10. 这对于网络游戏运营商十分不利。

    This situation is very bad for these operators .

  11. 首先,我们在三天哀悼期停止了游戏运营。

    Above all , we suspended game operation in3 days of lamentation period .

  12. 本研究根据研究结果和研究启示对移动游戏运营商和开发商提供营销建议。

    Based on the findings , the study provide marketing suggestions for mobile operators and game developers .

  13. 本文对中国网络游戏运营企业、产业进入者以及其他相关业者具有一定的参考价值。

    The paper provides reference for operation firms , entrants and related persons in China online game industry .

  14. 在早期网络游戏运营时代,策划者还很难想到道具收费模式。

    In times of operation of inchoate network game , machinator thinks of prop collects fees very hard still mode .

  15. 然而,即使增长如此迅猛,游戏运营商从中分得一杯羹的难度正变得越来越大。

    But even with such explosive growth , it is becoming increasingly hard for game operators to grab their piece of the action .

  16. 数家在线游戏运营商已要求玩家提供详细的身份证号码,但是,一些公司高管指出,许多提交的号码都是虚假的。

    Several online game operators already require players to supply identity card details , but executives say many of the numbers submitted are false .

  17. 本文为网络游戏运营商提出了依据消费者价值感知进行定价决策这一理论方法,并指出了具体的操作路径。

    This paper presented the theory of pricing decisions based on consumer value perception and pointed out the specific operation path for online game operator .

  18. 20世纪80年代国际互联网开始兴起,随着网络的普及,现实生活的情境被网络游戏运营商以虚拟地形式搬上网络平台。

    Nineteen eighties , International Internet began to rise , Along with the network popularization , Real life situations is the network game operator in virtual form onto a web platform .

  19. 王某不服,双方协商未果后,王某与游戏运营商上海第九城市信息技术有限公司对簿公堂。

    Wang Mou refuses to obey , both sides talks things over not after fruit , the9th city of Wang Mou and Shanghai of game operation business IT limited company litigates .

  20. 通过数据仓库设计、构架、运行管理过程遇到各种实际问题,归纳总结了支持网络游戏运营的数据仓库设计和建立的经验。

    During the data warehouse design , architecture , operation and management of a variety of practical problems encountered , they summarized the online game operator in support of data warehouse design and build experience .

  21. 但由于网络游戏运营商和游戏玩家之间缺乏沟通和理解,导致双方在对网络游戏行销设计的审美评价中产生了巨大的矛盾。

    But because of game players online game operator and the lack of communication and understanding between the parties in the Internet , resulting in the game in marketing design aesthetic evaluation made a huge contradictions .

  22. 传统的游戏运营是在游戏客户端中集成所有游戏资源,这种方式不仅使得新游戏资源发布速度慢且难度大,而且不可避免会使得客户端变得无比庞大。

    In traditionally , all game resources is integrated in game client , this kind of means not only make the new game resources released slowly and difficulty , and inevitably the client will be very large .

  23. 立法层面,首先要通过立法或司法解释来明确网络虚拟财产权益的法律地位,其次要明确网络游戏运营商和网络游戏玩家的权利义务。

    First of all , the legal status of virtual property rights should be made clear through legislation or judicial interpretation in the legislative system . Secondly , rights and obligations of online-game operators and game users should be established .

  24. 如何能唤醒企业多年的积累,用更科学的方法来指导网络游戏运营决策,是目前摆在各大网络游戏企业面前的一个重要课题。

    Currently , how to wake up years of accumulated business experience of a company and use some much more scientific way to guide the online game operator in decision making has become a very important issue to every big online gaming industry .

  25. 经过实证研究,模型被证明有效,且有10个假设经验证成立。最后,本文对假设检验结果进行了解释,并为我国网络游戏运营商提出了有针对性的建议。

    Through the empirical research , the model is proven to be effective , and 10 hypotheses are supported empirically . Finally , this paper makes explanations to the hypothesis based on testing results and puts forward some suggestions for our online game operators .

  26. 总部位于剑桥、同样获得谷歌风投支持的初创企业手机游戏平台运营商SCVNGR就是一个例子。这家公司去年秋季率先公开推出与GooglePlacesAPI整合的产品。

    As one example from fellow Cambridge-based and Google Ventures backed startup SCVNGR , the company was the first to publicly launch with integration to the Google Places API last fall .

  27. 手机游戏的运营模式和合作策略探讨

    Discussion on Operating Mode and Co-Operation Strategy of Mobile Game

  28. 未经审批许可,擅自从事网络游戏出版运营服务的,一经发现,立即依法取缔。

    Anyone engaging in online game publication and operation service without examination , approval and license shall be banned pursuant to law once it is found .

  29. 不然,“政府支持”这一幽灵可能会扰乱价格信号,催生出一类按照不同游戏规则运营的机构。

    Otherwise , the spectre of government support threatens to confuse price signals and create a class of institutions that operate under different rules of the game .

  30. 韩国政府已勒令国内三个人气最旺的网络游戏的运营商,在夜间拒绝未满18岁用户对游戏的访问。

    South Korea has ordered the operators of the three most popular South Korean online games to block overnight access by users under the age of 18 .