
  1. 法语教学中几种游戏训练法

    Some Game Training Methods in French Teaching

  2. 分析游戏训练法与其他训练方法的区别,如何在青年专业队的篮球训练中应用游戏训练法进行篮球训练,如何有效地激发了篮球队员学习动机和欲望。

    Analysis Training of the game the difference with other training methods , how to train young professionals in the application of the basketball team play basketball training method for training in how to effectively stimulate the basketball team motivation and desire .

  3. 拟通过实验分析游戏训练法在青年篮球队训练中的应用是否可行有效,对提高篮球队员的篮球技术水平,激发篮球队员学习的积极性以及培养篮球队员的爱好兴趣是否具有明显的效果。

    Experimental analysis of the game to be adopted in the youth basketball team training method of training is feasible and effective in improving the level of basketball skills basketball players , basketball players inspire enthusiasm to learn and cultivate interest in hobbies are basketball players have significant results .