
yóu kè
  • tourist;visitor;traveller;sightseer;visitor to park;excursionist
游客 [yóu kè]
  • (1) [visitor to park,etc.;tourist]∶游子;旅游者

  • (2) [sightseer]∶观光者

游客[yóu kè]
  1. 游客中心每日上午8:30至下午4:30开放。

    The Visitor Centre is open daily 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

  2. 迪士尼的游客在本世纪末将会超过10亿。

    Disney will claim its one billionth visitor before the end of the century .

  3. 恐怖分子宣称游客将成为他们袭击的目标。

    The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted .

  4. 夏天这里总有成群结队的游客。

    There are always hordes of tourists here in the summer .

  5. 观众是一群混杂在一起的学生和游客。

    The audience was a motley crew of students and tourists .

  6. 游客在管乐迎宾曲中登船开始水上游。

    Passengers were piped aboard ship at the start of the cruise .

  7. 这个主题乐园每年吸引250万游客。

    The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  8. 酒店里住的大多是外国游客。

    The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists .

  9. 游客与当地人之间的区别一望即知。

    You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives .

  10. 前来参观城堡的游客流量保持稳定。

    The castle receives a steady stream of visitors .

  11. 十月份游客人数越来越少。

    The number of tourists tails off in October .

  12. 这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands .

  13. 一位眼尖的游客发现了可疑的包裹。

    An eagle-eyed tourist found the suspicious package .

  14. 我们所到之处游客人头攒动。

    Everywhere we went was full of tourists .

  15. 游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。

    Most visitors come to sail or windsurf .

  16. 游客突然涌入,城里的旅馆全都爆满。

    The sudden influx of visitors is straining hotels in the town to the limit .

  17. 一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。

    A passing tourist snapped the incident .

  18. 游客来自四面八方。

    Visitors came from near and far .

  19. 大多数英国游客总沿着一条老路线参观相同的美国旅游景点。

    Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US .

  20. 这片海滩很美,尤其令人满意的是游客稀少。

    The beaches are beautiful , but , best of all , there are very few tourists .

  21. 跟所有其他游客一样,我被印度深深吸引了。

    Like any tourist , I was bowled over by India .

  22. 参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍。

    Visitors are shown an audio-visual presentation before touring the cellars .

  23. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。

    Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country

  24. 一到达埃尔金,一日游的游客就参观了一些当地的风景名胜。

    Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights .

  25. 学生坐廉价的下层舱,游客坐上层舱。

    Students travel the cheap lower deck and tourists the upper .

  26. 游客们偷偷地取笑当地人落伍的做法和衣着。

    The tourists snigger at the locals ' outdated ways and dress

  27. 更有鉴别力的游客现在往往避开该地区。

    More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area .

  28. 那些日本游客启程去寻找布龙泰地区。

    The Japanese visitors set off in search of Bront ë country .

  29. 游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。

    The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other

  30. 游客们在正爬上岩石寻找最佳的拍摄角度。

    Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle