
  • 网络Quince
  1. 画中的背景图案为象征着爱情、生育力和忠诚的植物&香桃木和温柏树叶。

    In addition , the portrait is painted with background foliage of myrtle and quince , symbols of love , fecundity and fidelity .

  2. 香味:非常芬香的口味,并带有温柏花香味和柑桔柠檬水果味.这布丁是柠檬[椅子]味的。

    Aroma : Very aromatic and expressive bouquet with quince and citrus fruits ( lemon ) aromas . This pudding tastes of lemon [ orange ] .

  3. 和电影里一样,温柏与阿里打了15回合,尽管他看起来(感觉也)像被卡车撞过。

    Just like in the film , Wepner pushed Ali through 15 rounds despite looking ( and feeling ) like he 'd been hit by a truck .