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dù tóu
  • ferry
渡头 [dù tóu]
  • [ferry] 同 1 渡口

渡头[dù tóu]
  1. 从他们渡头街上流来的落花,飘到我们洗澡的池塘里。

    Flowers launched from their landing-stairs come floating by the stream where we bathe .

  2. 浪花跳起掠过立在渡头阶沿上的铜瓶。

    The rippling water leapt and licked the brass vessel that stood on the landing step .

  3. 它经过村庙和渡头的市集。

    It passes by the temple of the village and the market at the river landing place .

  4. 他们的小女儿到河边的渡头上;她无休无息地擦洗锅盘。

    Their little daughter goes to the landing-place by the river ; there she has no end of scouring and scrubbing of pots and pans .