First of all , the author introduced the research status about crisis management theory and marketing channel crisis management theory .
In the crisis recovery and redevelopment sub-system , the author introduced the main contents of marketing channel crisis recovery management and the redevelopment of the crisis forearm and alarm sub-system .
In the crisis control and management sub-system , the author introduced six procedures of marketing channel crisis control and management : affirm crisis , import resources , control crisis , solve crisis and find chances after crisis .
Barring total government control over the flow of information-as in situations of military censorship-there are many ways in which news about the crisis reaches an already aroused public .
Secondly , through adopting multiple approaches to cultivate college students ' crisis consciousness : crisis consciousness , multi-channel concentrated strengthening infiltration crisis consciousness , teaching evaluation are reflected in crisis consciousness index , etc.
No one enterprise 's channel has not been able to appear the crisis ;
But the NFC did not appear in all cases with artery crisis . No one enterprise 's channel has not been able to appear the crisis ;
On bilateral issues and issues affecting a third party , it is necessary to improve direct communication channels between the two governments and establish crisis prevention mechanism .