
shèn lòu
  • leakage;seepage;loss;percolation;corrode
渗漏 [shèn lòu]
  • (1) [seepage]∶气体或液体通过孔隙流失

  • 很多溪流在某些地段因渗漏而失水

  • (2) [corrode]∶侵蚀

  • (3) [loss]∶损耗

渗漏[shèn lòu]
  1. 不同渗漏强度下淹水土壤中NH4~+-N转化运移的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of NHk_4  ̄ + - N transformation and transportation in submerged soil under various percolation rate

  2. SiO2-C系陶瓷复合材料中的渗漏现象

    Percolation Phenomena in SiO_2-C Composite Ceramics

  3. 水箱渗漏出少量的水。

    The tank had leaked a small amount of water .

  4. 水从岩缝间渗漏下去。

    Water had percolated down through the rocks .

  5. 使用前应检查瓶子是否渗漏。

    Check bottles for leakage before use .

  6. 应该可以减少管道的渗漏量。

    It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes .

  7. 血管可能会渗漏,造成视力模糊。

    The blood vessels may leak fluid , which distorts vision

  8. 检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。

    An inspection of the roof showed no leaks .

  9. 这根管子上的那一条裂缝致使渗漏不断。

    The continuing leakage is the result of the long crack in the pipe .

  10. 它们可以检测水的浪费、渗漏情况,并给房主发送数据告知他们。

    They can detect water waste and leakage and send data to let the house owner know .

  11. 池塘里的水一直在慢慢渗漏

    Water had been slowly seeping away from the pond .

  12. 基于ARM处理器的地下输水管道渗漏检测仪

    Detection Instrument of Underground Conveying Water Pipelines Based on ARM Processor

  13. 速激肽受体拮抗剂对白三烯C4诱导豚鼠气道收缩和微血管渗漏的作用

    Effects of tachykinin receptor antagonists on leukotriene C 4 induced bronchoconstriction and airway microvascular leakage in guinea pigs 1

  14. PET吹塑瓶爆裂、渗漏原因分析

    Cause analysis of explosion and leakage of PET blowing bottle

  15. 防渗漏抗冻胀PVC复合土工膜的研制

    The Development of PVC Compound Geomembrane with Seepage Prevention and Frost heave Resistance

  16. 白三烯拮抗剂ONO-1078对辣椒素和P物质诱导豚鼠支气管收缩和微血管渗漏的作用

    Effect of ONO 1078 , a leukotriene antagonist , on capsaicin

  17. 另一类为油气通过微渗漏所形成,具有ΔC、酸解烃及物上气高异常的特点。

    The other kind was formed of oil gas micro seepage . This kind of anomaly zones have high abnormal Δ C and acid degradated hydrocarbon .

  18. 本文对国内外在堤坝渗漏探测方面的理论与方法进行了全面的归纳与总结,包括传统的地球物理勘探技术、渗流监测技术、各种CT技术和综合示踪技术等。

    The theories and method about leakage detection of the river dyke , suchas geophysical , leakage measurement , CT 's , integrated tracing technique , etc.

  19. 两组新生血管渗漏情况比较:治疗组与对照组无明显差异(P0.05)。

    Comparison of two groups neovascularization leakage : No significant difference between the treatment group and the control group ( P0.05 ) . 6 .

  20. 蓝膜处理老龄叶片MDA含量和电解质渗漏率显著高于绿膜、白膜和红膜处理。

    Blue film induced the highest MDA content and electrolytic leakage of old leaves than the green , white or red film . 9 .

  21. X1、X2烟包包装机组渗漏油的分析

    Analysis of Oil Leakage for X1 , X2 Packing Complex

  22. 分析渗漏原因,研究处理方案,采用SBS防水卷材热熔法施工,解决了屋面渗漏。

    Having understood the reason for the leaking , the problem was solved by using SBS modified bitumen membrane with torch application .

  23. 堰顶横缝表面封堵和混凝土裂缝的化学灌浆处理,增强了混凝土的防渗性能,坝体渗漏量降为1.88m3/h,满足了设计要求。

    The impermeability of the concrete has been greatly improved and leakage of the dam body is decreased up to 1 . 88 m3 / h , thus meeting the design requirement .

  24. 研究结果表明,稻季渗漏水中总氮(TN)浓度随时间呈下降趋势,其中,硝态氮(NO3&N)由泡田初期的10mg。

    The results showed that total nitrogen ( TN ) in natural leaching water declined significantly during the paddy season .

  25. 结果Behcet病患者中,FFA检查显示均有视网膜微血管渗漏;

    Results FFA showed leakage from retinal vessels in patients with Behcet ′ s disease .

  26. 3例发生CPC渗漏至椎管和椎间孔内,椎管内静脉丛漏2例,椎前静脉漏1例。

    Were complicated with epidural and neural foramina leakage of CPC , 2 with vena vertebralis posterior and 1 with vena vertebralis anterior leakage .

  27. 渗漏检测泵(LDP)

    Leak detection pump ( ldp )

  28. PKP手术组共22个椎体,4个椎体发生骨水泥渗漏,渗漏率18%。

    Four vertebraes presented cement leakage in all 22 vertebraes in PKP group .

  29. 细胞物质的渗漏作用随着小分子有机酸浓度的提高而增强,一般1h左右即可达到最大渗漏量。

    Cellular material leakage increased with the concentration of either acid and maximum leakage could be reached within 1 h after the addition of organic acids .

  30. 以3个辣椒品种为试材,对辣椒在低温胁迫前后离子渗漏电导百分率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化进行了测定。

    Using three pepper varieties as materials , the changes of conductivity Percentage the activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), the malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content were studied with chilling stress .