
  • 网络Water seepage phenomenon;Watergain
  1. 通过56d的闭水加压试验,墙体未出现渗水现象。

    The experiment of 56 d shutting the water and adding the pressure shows no occurrence of seeping water in the wall .

  2. 文章对玉米卸车地沟变形缝渗水现象加以分析,并采用紫铜板加TZS聚氨脂辅助防水措施,取得较好效果。为地下水位较高的变形缝设计提供借鉴。

    Based on the analysis of seepage of deformation joint of maize unloading trench , the auxiliary seepage-prevention measures by red copper plate and TZS polyurethane was adopted , which has achieved good effect and provided reference for design of deformation joint with higher underground water level .

  3. 厦门海底隧道施工期间初期支护变形异常较为常见,初期支护开裂、渗水现象较为严重。

    In Xia ' men subsea tunnel during construction , abnormal deformation of preliminary lining is more common , cracking and water leakage is more serious .

  4. 从施工方面分析了外墙抹灰裂缝产生的原因,从设计和施工两方面介绍了避免和减少外墙抹灰裂缝的措施,从而提高建筑物的美观效果,避免外墙面渗水现象出现。

    From construction aspect the reasons caused the outer wall plastering cracks are analyzed ; at the same time from two aspects : design and construction corresponding measures are introduced to reduce this kind of defects to ensure appearance quality of building and avoid leakage of wall .

  5. 位于大堤内的钢筋混凝土箱涵伸缩缝老化开裂后,在汛期高水位作用下,出现渗水、漏水现象,导致堤防翻砂、滑坡等险情,严重危害大堤安全度汛。

    After the aging and cracking of reinforced concrete box culverts in dykes , seepage and leakage will occur from these culverts in high water periods , resulting in dangerous conditions and posing serious threats to the dyke safety .

  6. 广深高速公路东莞北大桥现浇桥面板开裂、渗水、塌陷等现象严重,多处发生桥面板穿孔,病害发展趋势迅速,已危及结构使用安全。

    Diseases of the cast-in-place decking , such as cracks , water leaking , caves and perforation , get more and more serious of North Bridge of Dongguan , which has endangered the structure using security .