
  • Fishery environment;【水产】fishing ground environment
  1. 基于信息增益技术的影响渔场环境因子的选定

    Selection of marine environment factors based on the information gain technology

  2. 渔场环境信息等值线绘制及其算法的开发实现

    Development of the algorithm for generating and smoothing isoline of fishing grounds environment

  3. 东黄海鱿鱼渔场环境初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Environment of Squid Fisting Grounds in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea

  4. 冬汛浙江中部渔场环境与带鱼汛期的关系

    The relation on the environment of fishing ground with the occurrence of hairtail in winter off the middle part of Zhejiang

  5. 太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔获分布及渔场环境浅析

    Preliminary study on the catch distribution of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) longline and fishing grounds environment in the Pacific Ocean

  6. 目前,粗糙集在地学及遥感方面也得到了较为广泛的应用,如地学分类及精度评价、基于粗糙集的拓扑关系描述,渔场环境因子及其时空配置关系筛选等。

    Now , rough set theory has also been widely used in geographical science and remote sensing , such as classification and accuracy evaluation , description of topological relations and environment factors and spatial-temporal configuration relation selection .

  7. 1993年6~8月,北斗号渔业资源调查船在白令海阿留申海盆区进行了狭鳕资源声学调查及渔场环境调查。

    During June to August , 1993 , the acoustic survey for walley pollock and the investigation of environment inhabited by them in the Aleutian Basin of Bering Sea were carried ort by R / V BEI DOU .

  8. 根据鄂霍茨克公海区狭鳕资源声学评估调查资料,研究了狭鳕分布状况及渔场环境特征,并分析了狭鳕行动分布与环境的关系。

    Based on the acoustic survey on the resource of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) in the high seas of the Okhotsk Sea , the distribution of walleye pollock and the environmental characteristics of its fishing ground were studied , and the relationship between them were analyzed .

  9. 海洋渔场生态环境质量状况综合评价方法探讨

    A study on comprehensive assessment method of ecological environment quality of marine fishing ground

  10. 最后以发现渔场形成的环境机制为目标,将模型应用在渔业遥感研究中,以海洋鱼类聚集的温度场配置提取为实例,验证模型有效性。

    Finally , the model was applied in fishery geography to find the environmental pattern , which determines the form of fishing ground .

  11. 采用多种方法定量评价了吕泗渔场水体的环境质量,并分析了其影响因素。

    The assessment on quality and influence factors of water column were done in the coast of the Lvsi fishing grounds by several methods .

  12. 东、黄海鲐鯵鱼渔场与海洋环境关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between the chub mackerel and Japanese scad fishing ground and marine environment in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea

  13. 大西洋大眼金枪鱼渔场、资源及环境特征的研究

    Study on resource , environment and fishing-ground of Atlantic bigeye tuna