
  • 网络CLEAR WATER BAY;Clearwater;clearwater beach
  1. 美国:桑德基,清水湾泳滩,佛罗里达州-这是一个良好的海滩有点前途的名字,看到作为更好的大多是沙子。

    USA : Sand Key , Clearwater Beach , Florida – it is a somewhat promising name for a good beach , seeing as most of the better ones are made of sand .

  2. 清水湾的一、二滩在这两个月都有发现红潮。

    In both months , red tides were spotted in Clear Water Bay First and Second Beach .

  3. 清水湾蛇曲地貌是这里的另一精品景区。

    Qingshui bend is yet another major scenic spot of the area .

  4. 拥揽了海南清水湾最亲近辽阔大海,最直接步入银滩、海岸离海最近。

    It is the area which is closest to the silver beach and vast sea ;

  5. 2008年,清水湾被列入河南省十一。五的重点工程项目。

    In2008 , Qing'shui Bay was listed as the major project of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of Hainan .

  6. 瀚海银滩组团为一线海景城邦,海南清水湾为全球显贵名流打造的一线海景豪宅。

    Vast Sea and Silver Beach is a frontline sea view city-castle , which was built for the global dignitaries and celebrities .

  7. 丰盛街由新清水湾道至牛池湾街之间的路段,将全线改为单程北行;

    The section of Fung Shing Street from new clear water bay road to Ngau Chi Wan Street will be changed into one way northbound traffic ;

  8. 清水湾以其1500亩的庞大体量、高端的定位、成熟的配套,成为海南绝无仅有的国际化综合湾区地产,雅居乐亦将重心等多放在打造多元复合型的滨海社区之上。

    With a large size of1500 mou , the Qing'shui Bay has becoming the one and only international comprehensive bay area real estate based on high-end position , mature supporting facilities .

  9. 清水湾是闻名国际的花脸鸭渡冬地,除此之外,还有数十万只的豆雁、白额雁、绿头鸭等在这儿渡过漫长的冬天。

    Cheonsuman is an important wintering place for Baikal Teal . Besides , there are also hundred thousands of Bean Goose , White-fronted Goose , Mallard etc to spend their winter there .

  10. 全港的天后庙中,以位于清水湾半岛大庙湾的一间最负盛名,每逢农历三月二十三日天后宝诞,都有很多善信前往进香。

    During Tin Hau Festival , which falls on the23rd day of the third moon , many worshippers visit the most famous Tin Hau temple at Joss House Bay on the Clear Water Bay Peninsula .