
qīng kè
  • hanger-on;proteges of the powerful who stay with their benefactions like parasites
清客 [qīng kè]
  • [proteges of the powerful who stay with their benefactions like parasites] 旧社会在显贵人家或官僚地主家里帮闲的门客

  • 豪门清客

清客[qīng kè]
  1. 他并不甘心一辈子给富贵人家当清客。

    He is not willing to be a hanger-on of rich and powerful families .

  2. 问:为什么列车不能正常运行时要进行清客?

    Q : Why do passengers have to get off the train when its not operating normally ?

  3. 答:一旦在线运营的列车发生某些故障就需要退离正线运营,如继续承担载客运营将可能发生一定的安全风险,此时必须要采取清客措施。

    A : If something occurs to the train affecting its normal operation , the train has to leave the tracks for check and repair , as continuous operation with passengers onboard may be a potential safety risk .

  4. 孔尚任通过清流名士、秦淮名妓、清客艺人三种文化意象,来咀嚼旧国昔年的文化诗意。《诗经·国风》女性形象与水文化意象关系之探微

    Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities , prostitutes and actors . An Analysis of the Relationship Between Female Characters and the Imagery of Water in Songs of the City States