
60 years of history , 60 years of glory : 60-year anniversary of the school of architecture in Tsinghua University
Wu Liangyong Prof. , School of Architecture , Tsinghua University Member , Chinese Academy of Sciences Member , Chinese Academy of Engineering .
This year the winner of the Asia-Pacific prize is Professor Zhang Yue , the Deputy Chair of Urban Planning Department , at Tsinghua University Architecture School .
An introduction to three experimental architecture design studios held in Architecture School of Tsinghua University , and to three architectural concept which are the basis of the studios .
He went to the Netherlands to study the history and theory of site planning , received a doctorate in 1994 and taught in Singapore before returning to join the faculty of the lively architecture school at Tsinghua .
A research team led by Guo Daiheng , a professor from the Architecture School of Tsinghua University , has recreated the original appearance of the Old Summer Palace by using photos along with virtual reality ( VR ) technology .