
hùn dùn chū kāi
  • 熟语at the dawn of civilization;born of the Earth
  1. 穿越回宇宙混沌初开的那一刻,直面科学界最重大的一门学说。

    We arrive back at the moments the universe began , and face the biggest questions in all of science .

  2. 那便是关于上帝的思想,在混沌初开之时上帝的任务就是维系世界。

    The idea that God , that sustaining the world is as much of a task for God as creating it in the first place .

  3. 对物理学家来说,终年不化的冰层让他们能研究神秘的次原子粒子,或能看到宇宙混沌初开的原貌。

    For physicists , the permanent ice sheet will allow them to study mysterious sub-atomic particles that may reveal the very first moments of our universe .

  4. 这是由来已久的老把戏,夏娃在混沌初开的第一天便已知道,每个女人在生命开始的第一天也都知道。

    Ancient and time-honored manoeuvre which Eve understood from the very first day of the world , and which every woman understands from the very first day of her life !

  5. 似乎每一次季节的转换都会让我们兴奋不已。春天的来临犹如混沌初开,寰宇重现,预示着黄金时期的到来。

    As every season seems best to us in its turn , so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age .