
  • 网络mixed voice;mix voice
  1. 混声唱法的有效运用是科学的唱法。

    Mixing singing method is efficient and scientific application of that .

  2. 他们表演一开始先是一个混声合唱。

    They teed off their programme with a mixed chorus .

  3. 四重奏&(为女高音、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴作)女高音混声唱法训练的要点

    Main Points for a Training in Soprano Mixed Chorus

  4. 中国混声唱法的创建与特征

    Creating Of Chinese Mix-Way Singing And Its Futures

  5. 二胡原理与混声训练

    Erhu Principles and Mixing Sound Training

  6. 混声合唱中的声乐艺术

    The Artistry of Mixed Chorus

  7. 圣伊丽莎白传奇,为独唱,混声合唱队,管风琴和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧。

    Die Legende von der heilgen Elisabeth , oratorio for soloists , Mixed chours , Organ & orchestra .

  8. 年夏季的第六届世界合唱比赛中,我团荣获室内混声组银奖。

    In the summer of2010 , SIP Chorus won the silver prize of the6th world choir games mixed choir group .

  9. 因声区转换及混声的特殊性,男声的高音演唱问题一直是比较难解决的。

    Because of the particularity of acoustic area transition and mixed sound , the problem of tenor is always difficult to solve .

  10. 不过,欢乐合唱团最终克服了困难,成为一个男女混声合唱团。多年来,亨德里楼的排练厅是团员们暂时忘记学习和其它压力的避风港。

    Yale Students down through the years have found the Glee Club 's rehearsal room in Hendrie Hall a refuge from academic , and other pressures .

  11. 歌唱的声音分为头声区、混声区及胸声区,它们各有其特点,分担着不同的任务。

    The sound of song can be divided into three parts : head sound , confused sound and bosom sound , which have different features and share different tasks .

  12. 混声唱法是声乐学习者必须掌握的及其重要的科学发声方法,它是表现整个歌曲不可缺少的组成部分。

    Voice mixing , which is the indispensable part in to show the whole music , is an extremely important method of scientifically producing voice for vocal music learners .

  13. 本文的第二章,从声乐能力的角度,论述了音乐剧演员所应具备的气息、共鸣、混声等基本的声乐素养。

    In Chapter II , the article discusses vocality accomplishment including breath , resonance , and mix which a musical drama performer should possess in the angle of vocality ability .

  14. 来自音乐之乡的奥地利安道夫合唱团成立于1974年,几年之后发展成为包括男声、混声和青年三个合唱队的综合性合唱团体。

    The Andorfer Chorus from Austria ," country of music ", was founded in1974.Within a few years , it grew into a comprehensive group of male , mixed and youth chorus .

  15. 在学习声乐的过程中,只有掌握混声唱法,认真的分析混声唱法的特点和优越性,领会真假声的发声要领,才能轻松自如的演绎各种不同风格的歌曲。

    In the course of learning , different songs are able to be performed at ease just by mastering mixed chorus , analyzing the feature and advantage of it , and grasping the vocal key of real singing and falsetto .

  16. 文章回顾总结了混声唱法在中国发展、运用的概况,证实了混声唱法也是民族声乐创建的一种重要技法,并分析了民族混声唱法的基本特征。

    The paper review and sum up the general situation of the mix way singing in China , and held that the mix way singing was one of important techniques in Chinese vocal performance too , and pointed out the basic features of the Chinese mix way singing .

  17. 基于ICA和HMM的战场混叠声目标识别

    Identification of Field Mixing Acoustic Targets Based on ICA and HMM

  18. 建立已知声目标的HMM,实现混叠声目标盲分离,提取的线性预测系数作为声目标识别参数,通过K均值聚类得到训练和识别特征向量,通过Viterbi解码判断声目标的类别。

    An identification method based on HMM was established to separate mixing acoustic targets through extracting LPC characteristics . The HMM was employed to compute the Viterbi output score , and K-means algorithm was used as cluster LPC coefficients .

  19. 仿真结果表明,ICA分析能有效地分离混叠声目标信号,基于线性预测系数的HMM识别率较高,混合模型识别系统在混叠声目标识别中具有可行性。

    Targets were identified by ICA-HMM model . Simulation indicates that ICA can separate mixing targets efficiently . HMM identification performance based on LPC hybrid model is good , and it is effective on mixing acoustic targets identification .

  20. 最后,将EMD方法应用于目标语言内容提取,有效地将目标语言内容从混叠声中提取出来,证明了EMD方法的实际应用意义。

    Finally , the EMD was applied to extract the contents of the target language , effectively extracting of the target language contents from mixed sound . The results show that the EMD method can handle nonlinear and non-stationary signals .

  21. 含侧腔的机械抗混叠声低通滤波光纤水听器

    Mechanical anti-aliasing acoustic low-pass filtering fiber-optic hydrophones with side cavities