
  • 网络Reverberation Time;Reverb Time
  1. 最初在设计中确定混响时间的方法是利用W·C·赛宾在本世纪初提出的计算公式。

    The original method to confirm reverberation time in designs is to use computational formula W . C. Sabin put forward in early century .

  2. 评价厅堂音质的混响时间T60和计算公式是上世纪初W·C·赛宾教授(WCSabie)提出来的,在此以后,混响时间一直是室内声学中的一个最重要、最稳定的指标。

    Reverberation time T ( 60 ) and the calculation formula used to evaluate the hall timbre were advanced by professor W. C. Sabie last century .

  3. 文中以一安装有理想指向性扬声器的矩形房间为例,计算房间的混响时间和各位置处的RASTI。

    Loudspeaker with ideal directivity characteristics was considered . Reverberation time and RASTI at different positions in time of a room has a limitation value .

  4. 通过理论和实测对用混响时间T10或T20估计衰减曲线早期的衰减速率所产生的误差进行了分析。

    The errors are analyzed in theory and with the measurements when using T_ 10 or T_ 20 to evaluate the decay rate of the initial of the energy decay curve .

  5. 日本东京新国家歌剧院(NNT歌剧院)容座1810,容积14500m3,(大幕开启时的)满场混响时间1.5s。

    The New National Theatre opera house ( NNT opera house ) seats 1810 , its volume is 14500 m3 , and its reverberation time , with audience , is 1.5 s ( proscenium curtain open ) .

  6. 模型和实物的对比结果:满场的混响时间除250Hz的差别较大外(约20%),其余频率比较接近(差别少于10%);反射声图形是相似的;

    The results of model compare with actual hall : except 250 Hz ( difference about 20 % ), the reverberation time ( occupied ) at various frequency were close ( difference less than 10 % );

  7. 厅堂中混响时间测量的一些实际问题

    Some practical problems in the measurement of reverberation time in auditoria

  8. 室内混响时间频率特性的计算

    Calculation of Frequency Characteristics of Reverberation Time in Audition Room

  9. 民族音乐厅堂混响时间优选试验

    Research on the preferred reverberation time of national concert hall

  10. 传统教堂空间硕大且构造复杂,声环境特点是混响时间相当长,音乐极为丰满而语言清晰度差。

    A traditional church is large in space and complex in construction .

  11. 散射系数对混响时间模拟计算的影响

    The influence of scattering coefficient on reverberation time in acoustical computer modelling

  12. 混响时间和房内结构等是对音质产生影响的重要因素。

    Reverberation time and indoor construction are the determining factors .

  13. 对厅堂混响时间设计偏差的探讨

    Looking into the Errors of Reverberation Time Design in Hall

  14. 低频短混响时间播音室的设计和测量

    Design and Measurement of short Reverberation Times at low Frequencies in Talks Studios

  15. 在最佳时窗下分析出了每首乐曲的最佳听闻混响时间。

    Optimum listening reverberation time has been calculated in the optimum integration window .

  16. 基于人工神经网络的混响时间预测方法

    A method of forecast of the reverberation time based on artificial neural network

  17. 脉冲响应法测量混响时间技术的研究

    A study in measuring the reverberation time on the basis of the impulse response

  18. 混响时间及测量方法简介

    Introduction of reverberation time and its measuring method

  19. 厅堂混响时间测量规范法律和法规实施时间

    Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall Laws and Regulations Date of Implementation

  20. 赛宾的“混响时间”公式,奠定了建筑声学的基础。

    The formula of reverberation time by W.C.Sabine is a foundation of architectural acoustics .

  21. 矩形房间混响时间计算

    Reverberation Time with Analytic Formulas in Rectangular Rooms

  22. 厅堂混响时间测量规范

    Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall

  23. 运用神经网络推算音乐厅满场混响时间

    Determination of the occupied reverberation time in concert halls by the use of neural network

  24. 多功能剧场建筑设计与可调混响时间的应用

    The Architectural Design of the Multifunctional Theatre and the Application of the Adjustable Reverberation Time

  25. 苏州革命博物馆半景画厅混响时间及其频率特性的改善

    Improvement of reverberation time and its frequency characteristic in the SEMI-SCENE-PAINTING Hall of Suzhou Revolutionary Museum

  26. 混响时间是厅堂音质评价中的一个重要客观参量。

    Reverberation time is one of the important objective parameters for evaluating acoustics in concert halls .

  27. 强背景下混响时间的非线性滤波M序列相关测量

    Method of measuring reverberation time in strong noise environment using nonlinear filtering of the M-sequence correlation

  28. 对演播厅混响时间的控制,在声学设计上往往通过安装吸声材料来实现。

    Sound absorption materials is always used in controlling reverberation time in the acoustical design of studios .

  29. 但是,早期侧向反射声是一个独立于混响时间的参量,其在音质设计过程中能发挥重要作用的参量。

    The directional distribution of early reflections is one of the important characteristics of acoustical quality in rooms .

  30. 提出了在混响时间足够长的房间内作测量时,可以不考虑扬声器本身的响应对测量结果所产生的影响。

    If reverberation time of room is long enough , influence of the loudspeaker response on measurements is negligible .