
  • 网络migmatitic gneiss;Arn
  1. 混合片麻岩在一定温度下的蠕变试验研究

    Creep Experiment Research of Surrounding Rock of Qinling Tunnel under Certain Temperature

  2. 原冕宁沙坝混合片麻岩锆石一致曲线年龄的计算是正确的。

    The calculation of the zircon concordia age for the Shaba migmatiticgneiss , Mianning County , is correct .

  3. 大别山中部混合岩&片麻岩穹隆的构造属性认识方面一直众说纷纭。

    The nature of the extension dome in the Central Dabieshan Domain remains in debates for a long history .

  4. 变沉积岩、混合岩及混合花岗片麻岩在空间上的密切共生关系,揭示了沉积物经历了变质分异、混合岩化和部分熔融作用改造成花岗质岩石的过程。

    The closely spatial relationship between metasediments , migmatites and migmatitic granite-gneiss in the district exhibits the entire process of transformation from sediments to granitic rocks by metamorphic differentiation , migmatization and partial melting .