
  • 网络mixed strategy;Hybrid;combination strategy
  1. 该公司正奉行一个混合战略,为客户提供从电影票销售到电影下载即拥有(download-to-own)的所有服务。

    It is pursuing a hybrid strategy , offering its customers everything from cinema ticket sales to download-to-own films .

  2. 价值创新与混合战略:网络经济时代对战略的重新思考

    Value Innovation and Hybrid Strategy : Rethinking of Strategy in Web-based Economy

  3. 使用博弈理论分析了上市公司、会计师事务所(CPA)之间会计信息质量的博弈,求出混合战略纳什均衡解;

    This paper uses the game theory to analyze accounting information quality in China 's security market . Game players are the listed companies and CPA .

  4. 应用层次分析法(AHP)对未来可能的交易对象进行综合评判并确定混合战略的选择概率,以达到交易双方找到合适的交易对象、降低长期合同交易的谈判成本,从而成功签订交易合同的目的。

    The analytic hierarchical process ( AHP ) is applied to synthetically evaluate potential bargainers and obtain the selected probability of mixed strategy so as to find the appropriate bargainers , reduce the cost of long-term contract negotiation , and finally sign the contact successfully .

  5. 创业企业资源获取博弈混合战略均衡

    The mixed strategy equilibrium of venture ′ s resources commitment game

  6. 基于混合战略均衡双寡头航空公司定价博弈研究

    Game Theory Study on Dual Oligopoly Airlines Competition Pricing Based on Incomplete Static Model

  7. 论述传统后勤补给战略、即时后勤补给战略和混合战略,分析物流战略与后勤补给模式之间的关系。

    Described the traditional , just-in-time and mixed logistics strategies , and analyzed the relationship between logistics strategies and supply patterns .

  8. 针对高校考试中学生舞弊现象较常见这一问题,建立了监考博弈模型,该博弈不存在纯战略纳什均衡,只存在混合战略纳什均衡。

    Cheating in examination is very common in colleges and universities . This paper has established the game model of invigilation .

  9. 本文的研究表明,存在使企业获得正利润的混合战略纳什均衡,并给出了能够保证零利润伯川德博弈结果的条件。

    Its commonly viewed as the only equilibrium outcome that each firm earns zero profit in the homogeneous product Bertrand game with constant marginal cost .

  10. 利用博弈论方法,对债转股前后企业和银行的收益进行比较,找到满足双方选择债转股及达到混合战略纳什均衡的条件,并进行一系列的策略分析。

    The advantage of game theory is taken to find the condition of two sides choosing of the debt-to-equity swamp strategy and combined strategy NASH balance .

  11. 混合战略的非完全信息解释首先由海萨尼(1973)提出的。

    The incomplete information solution of mixed strategy of game was first put forward by Harsanyi in 1973 . Mixed strategy of game with complete information was argued for its uncertainty .

  12. 本文依据博弈理论和方法,分析了优质猪肉供应链中养猪场和公司行为选择的机理,导出了双方行为选择的混合战略纳什均衡点。

    The mechanism of behavior selection of company and pig farm in high quality pork supply chain is analyzed , and the equilibrium point of behavior selection of them is obtained through game theory .

  13. 地方规制机构与企业构成了劳动安全的监督博弈,通过构建混合战略纳什均衡,可以清晰地揭示地方规制机构在对企业劳动安全规制过程中各影响因素之间的内在联系。

    The local regulation institution and corporation build the labor safety monitoring game , through the Nash-equilibrium , clearly discloses that there an inherence link of all effects while the local regulation organization regulating the labor safety of corporation .

  14. 纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈存在着混合战略纳什均衡,并且我国目前税务筹划在实践中应用滞后的现状与纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈关系存在着紧密联系。

    The game between taxpayers and tax authority contains a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium , and there is close relation between the status of application lag in our country 's current tax planning practice and the game of the taxpayers and tax authority .

  15. 究其原因,主要是由安然公司实行混合一体化战略失误造成的。

    Tracing to its source was caused by strategic mistake of conglomerate integration of Enron Corporation .

  16. 笔者认为,我国企业必须吸取安然公司的经验教训,辩证地分析混合一体化战略对自身的适用性,并结合企业经营条件和发展现状谨慎地选择和实行此战略。

    We must draw a lesson from Enron Corporation , dialectical analysis of conglomerate integration are put forward .

  17. 本文在分析我国中小民营科技企业薪酬战略的类型、战略环境的基础上,提出中小民营科技企业应采取灵活而富有针对性的混合薪酬战略的设想。

    Based on the analysis of the type and environment of the compensation strategy in these SMEs , the author advances the proposal that they should take a more flexible and focalized mixed compensation strategy .

  18. 面对越来越严峻的国际市场环境,从更长远的角度来看,实现对成本战略和差异化战略的有机整合,并形成混合型战略,将是使中国成为纺织服装强国的最终战略路径。

    It will be the final strategic path from the long-term point of view for China to become the strong country in textile industry to integrate the cost strategy and difference strategy and form the compound strategy .

  19. 本文还阐述了战略联盟理论,提出了锦州站应采取建立契约式的混合型战略联盟的战略规划,同时配套其他各种战略,进而实现向综合性物流企业功能的转变。

    Furthermore , the paper states strategic alliance theory , and puts forward the strategy planning that Jinzhou railway station should adopt hybrid strategy alliance and some other strategies to realize the change of comprehensive logistic enterprises .

  20. 诚然,企业实行混合一体化战略可以取得规模经济、优化资源配置、绕开关税壁垒等竞争优势,但同时,若利用不当它也会对企业的发展产生不利影响。

    The strategy of conglomerate integration can obtain following advantages , economies of scale , optimizing resource allocation and so on , if we made mistaken use strategies , it will be disadvantages to the development of enterprises .

  21. 在此基础上,提出了基于供应链管理的物流企业的两种战略,即集约化战略和多链混合化战略。分析了这两种战略的特征和适用条件。

    Then it gives the definition of two strategies of The Logistics enterprise based on supply chain management , which are the concentration strategy and the multichain strategy and analyses the characteristic and the suitable condition of the two strategies .

  22. 混合并购的战略资本转移可采取保护式模式和共栖式模式。

    The transferring of strategy capital of conglomerate merger can take the protection-model and commensalisms-mode .

  23. 科学的选择只能是实施混合型工业化战略,即这种战略的内涵和体制是混合型的,产业政策是混合型的,技术政策是混合型的。

    Only carrying out mixed model industrialized strategy is scientific choice , i.e.the strategy is mixed model in intension and system , the industrial policy and technology policy is mixed model .

  24. 垄断竞争市场中上市公司混合式多元经营战略研究

    A Study on Conglomerate Diversification Strategy of Stock Corporation in Monopolistic Competition Market

  25. 本文从新的林业微观主体运行关系出发,研究了其间的横向一体化、纵向一体化、混合一体化、企业战略联盟等经济联系,并对国有林区新的林业微观主体边界及其规模扩张进行规范分析。

    From operating connection of new forestry micro-subject , this dissertation has studied its horizontal integration , vertical integration , mixed integration and enterprise strategic alliance etc. The dissertation has also analysed boundary and expansion of size of the new forestry micro-subject .