
  • squat;deep squat
  1. 负重深蹲起练习是发展腿部力量的传统训练方法。

    Squat thrust was traditional training way to develop leg strength .

  2. 负重深蹲过程中下肢冗余肌肉力分析

    Deep Autumn Redundant muscular force analysis of lower limbs during squat lifting

  3. 结果表明:与原地推铅球相关的身体素质关联度由大到小依次为后抛、卧推、立定跳远、立定三级跳远、30m跑和深蹲;

    The results demonstrated that the relation was ranked as follows : back throw , prone push , standing long jump , standing triple jump , 30 ? m run and deep thrust .

  4. 负重深蹲起练习对少年运动员脊柱和半月板的损伤

    Damage Effects on Spine and Menisci During Squat Thrust Exercise for Juvenile

  5. 过不多时你就会成为深蹲大师。

    You 'll be a squat master in no time . 11 .

  6. 它灵活的设计能让人深蹲,匍匐前进和高灵活性运动。

    Its flexible design allows for deep squats , crawls and high-agility movements .

  7. 在整个11月份期间,市民都可以选择用做深蹲来付地铁车费。

    The option for squat payment will be available throughout the month of November .

  8. 后深蹲振动刺激训练对女子举重运动员后深蹲力量的影响

    Effects Of Vibration Stimulation Training On Female Weight-Lifters

  9. 如果您发现任何更好的杠铃深蹲的影片,也让我知道。

    If you find any better barbell squat video , do let me know .

  10. 怎么做:站在书架前,开始做深蹲。

    How it works : Stand in front of your bookshelf and begin doing squats .

  11. 离心运动运动方式为深蹲纵跳摸高,摸高高度2.5米,每组30个,时间一分钟。组间间歇1分钟,共3组。

    Eccentric exercises is deep squat and jumps upward and touch a mark in 2.5M heights .

  12. 深蹲时要记得最重要的是动作要正确。

    The most important thing to keep in mind when doing squats is having proper form .

  13. 美国短跑运动员以深蹲作为准备动作,边上其他人站得笔直。

    American sprinters began their heats by crouching , while those next to them stood erect .

  14. 研究结果表明非稳定支撑面对深蹲肌肉参与程度的影响与负重有关。

    It is concluded that the influence made by unstable surface when squatting depends on the load .

  15. 我当时是第一年参加橄榄球,那是非赛季,我第一次深蹲。

    SH : I was in off-season football my freshmen year when I squatted for the first time .

  16. 如果你能深蹲起巨大的重量,这世上还有什么值得你追求的?

    If you can squat heavy and have solid shits , what more can you ask of life ?

  17. 想在莫斯科乘地铁?准备好弯下膝盖做30个深蹲吧!

    Get ready to drop down and give 30 squats if you want to ride the Moscow metro .

  18. 我蹲到碰到深蹲架最下面的杆了,但仍能将这个重量蹲举起来。

    I was hitting the bars on the bottom of the squat racks but still squatted the weight up .

  19. 人体负重深蹲过程中下肢肌力协调机理分析是康复工程和体育科学的重要课题。

    Muscular coordination analysis of lower limbs during squat lifting is an important part of rehabilitation engineering and gymnastic science .

  20. 早上我做深蹲,抓举或挺举,推举,腹肌。

    SH : In the mornings I do squats , power snatch or clean + jerk , presses , and abs .

  21. 深蹲是最有效锻炼全身的动作之一。因为它能同时锻炼肌肉,燃烧脂肪。

    Squats are one of themost effective full body exercises around because they simultaneously work to build muscle and burn fat .

  22. 乘客们要在一台特殊的机器上做深蹲,这台机器能识别使用者的姿势是否正确。

    Riders perform the squats in front of a special machine which can tell if the person is in the correct position .

  23. 在中国,使用公共厕所往往是一件颇具挑战性的事情,对那些不能熟练深蹲的人而言尤其如此。

    Using public toilets in China can often be a challenging undertaking , particularly for those not practiced in the art of squatting .

  24. 除了30个深蹲乘地铁的活动之外,还有把公共汽车上的吊环换成锻炼肌肉的阻力带,对市民提供可发电、为手机充电的自行车等等。

    Other events have included turning handles hanging on buses into exercise bands and providing bikes that can create electricity to charge cell phones .

  25. 分腿深蹲:两脚分开站立,距离略宽于双肩,足尖向前。

    Cent leg crouchs greatly : Bipod stands apart , be apart from slightly shoulder of wide Yu Shuang , sufficient needle is forward .

  26. 在做深蹲练习时最好不负重,不过如果你想保持形体,加些负重会增加运动强度。

    It 's not necessary to use weights when doing a squat , but if you keep good form , adding weight will intensify the move .

  27. 在最近的谈话中,你曾经跟我讲过你在高中时第一次深蹲的事情。

    JH : In speaking to you recently you told me a story about the first time you had ever squatted when you were in high school .

  28. 转为职业大力士之后,他经常表演银币深蹲,任何能够像他一样蹲起这副“桶式杠铃”的人都能获得桶中的所有银币。

    When he turned professional he squatted with a bar and two safes filled with silver dollars , which were offered to anyone who could duplicate this great feat .

  29. 一开始感觉很难,但我最终做到了,一位在机器上尝试了30个深蹲的青年女性柳德米拉对法新社记者说,两分钟就足够了。

    It was hard at first but I managed it , Lyudmila , a young woman who tried out the machine , told AFP . Two minutes is enough time .

  30. 它使你从做老式深蹲和弓步这些舒服区走出来,挑战你的大脑,大脑在塑造过程中也是重要的因素。

    It gets you out of your comfort zone of doing old-school squats and lunges , and challenges your brain , which is also a key factor in shaping up .