
  • 网络deep sea animal;bathyal fauna
  1. 大多数深海动物以上方落下的颗粒物质为食,这些物质基本上都是通过光合作用形成的。

    Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter , ultimately derived from photosynthesis , falling from above .

  2. 捕捞海产动物数量不断增多,种类由近海到出现深海动物。

    Fishing sea animals made an ever-growing number , the type is from off shore to the deep sea animals .

  3. ,这种片脚甲壳类海洋生物有着惊人的外貌,它的发现体现了澳大利亚深海动物的多样性。

    A striking deep sea-fish called an amphipod crustacean reveals the diversity of sea creatures under the belly of Australia 's deep sea world .

  4. 而其中仅资源限制适用于深海动物,我们都知道深海中可得的食物来源少于浅层海域,但是深海的面积却大得多。

    We know there is less food available in the deep sea than in shallow water , but the area of the deep sea is much larger .

  5. 也有其他的说法认为,它们和一些深海动物类似,是为了利用本身发光的特点来引诱猎物上钩。

    It 's also been suggested that they 're acting in the same way as some deep sea creatures , luring prey toward them with their bioluminescence .

  6. 这次探险给我们带来了长达2米的“巨型小飞象”,是迄今发现最大的深海动物之一。

    This expedition has brought us the " Jumbo Dumbo ", the largest so far found up to2 meters long , and one of the biggest deep sea creatures .

  7. 这头鲨鱼体长5.3英尺(约合1.6米),是2007年在日本海域发现的。与很多深海动物一样,皱鳃鲨在来到海面后不久便死亡。

    This 5.3-foot ( 1.6-meter ) specimen was found in shallow water in Japan in 2007 , though like many deep-sea creatures , it died shortly after finding its way to the surface . A species with an even more terrifying appearance , the fangtooth fish , has been found at depths near 16500 feet ( 5000 meters ) .

  8. 一个法国动物学家Brouardel教授,获得了初步的证据,证实某些深海海洋动物在漆黑的、没有任何可辨识的光合作用行为(的环境)下茁壮成长。

    A French zoologist , Professor Brouardel , has preliminary evidence that some marine animals of the abyss thrive in the blackness without any discernible action of photosynthesis .

  9. 意译:那是使用高科技技术来捕获深海的动物的影片。

    It takes more than high-tech wizardry to capture deep-ocean creatures on film .

  10. 只有当这些否定的结论被确认时他才能开始阐述这个问题:假如不是依靠光合作用,深海海洋动物怎样生存?

    Only if these negative results are valid will he be able to formulate the question : how do they live , if not by photosynthesis ?

  11. 目前在国际海底管理局主导下的Kaplan计划,已联合多国的相关科学家对结核区深海包括小型底栖动物和基因流变化等环境项目展开调查和研究工作。

    At present , the Kaplan plan leading by International Seabed Authority has allied multi-country scientists to study the deep-sea polymetallic nodule areas that include the projects of meiofauna variation and gene flow .