
  • 网络hypolimnion;profundal;Green-belt development;Deep water
  1. 水稻化感品种结合使用除草剂及深水层管理对稻田杂草的抑制作用

    Integrated Inhibition of Allelopathic Rice , Herbicide Application and Deep Water Level on Weeds in Paddy Field

  2. 一名MIT科学家主导的新研究发现,二氧化碳被打进碱性地下深水层后,会维持细小泡沫的形态达数百年之久,MIT说。

    A new analysis lead by an MIT scientist showed carbon injected into deep saline aquifers can be trapped as tiny bubbles where it will remain for centuries , MIT said .

  3. 采用高分辨率模式才能够较好地模拟400m以浅的次表层速度核分布情况,以及反映海峡通道中较深水层的流动情况。

    High resolution model has a good performance in simulating the distribution of velocity core in the top 400m layer , and in reflecting the flow situation in deep layers of strait .

  4. 根据生物资源的分布状况对湖区湿地生态系统进行了分类,即环湖丘岗生态系统,湖洲草滩生态系统,湖岸带生态系统,浅水层生态系统、深水层生态系统。

    According to the distribution of biological resources , the lake wetland ecosystems , are classified into lake-surrounding hill ecosystem , grass-strand ecosystem , lake-beach ecosystem , shallow-water ecosystem , and deep-water ecosystem .

  5. 深水无覆盖层大孔径桩基施工水中大直径钻孔桩基施工

    Construction of Large Diameter Pile Foundations at Deep Water Riverbed Without Overburden

  6. 深水沉积储层特征&以尼日利亚OML130区块为例

    Reservoir Characteristics Sediment in Nigeria Deep-water Area

  7. 渤海深水区的层化结构是海表热通量和垂向混合机制相平衡的结果。

    Vertical stratification structure comes from the balance between heat flux through sea surface and vertical stirring in the water column .

  8. 深水区储层至少有三套,始新世陆相地层、下渐新统海陆过渡相地层和上新统及其以上海相深水扇。

    There are at least three reservoir cases in deepwater : Eocene terrestrial formation , low Oligocene transitional formation and Pliocene and above marine deepwater fans .

  9. 对深水沉积过程和流态的认识及沉积模式的建立是当今深水沉积研究的难点,实现深水砂岩储层的有效预测是深水沉积研究的主要目的。

    Recognizing deep-water clastic deposit process 、 rheology and establishing depositional models are still the critical difficult point that main target is available predication of deepwater sandstone reservoir .