
  1. 海运:经深圳港或香港至世界各地的集装箱与散货运输。

    Seaborne : Hong Kong via Shenzhen or Hong Kong to the rest of the world container and bulk cargo transport .

  2. 基于数据预处理GM(1,1)模型的深圳港集装箱吞吐量预测

    Container throughput forecast for Shenzhen Port based on GM ( 1,1 ) model

  3. 通过SPSS对问卷进行分析,得出三者对深圳港、香港港、广州港各服务属性满意度的高低。

    After the questionnaire analysis using SPSS , we can obtain three parts ' customer satisfaction degree on each service attributes of Shenzhen Port , Hong Kong Port and Guangzhou Port .

  4. 应用回归分析法、移动平均法、平滑指数法,在定性分析的基础上对CCT集装箱运输需求以及CCT在深圳港群中的地位进行了科学的预测。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis , the thesis uses many kinds of quantitative method to predict CCT 's containerized transport demand and it status in the port group of Shenzhen .

  5. 随着改革开放及外向型经济的蓬勃发展,深圳港的吞吐量2008年已经达到2141.6万TEU,货物吞吐量达21125万吨。

    With the reforms and the rapid development of export-oriented economy , the throughput of Shenzhen Port in 2008 reached 21.416 million TEU , cargo throughput reached 211.25 million tons .

  6. 深圳港铜鼓航道工程航线选择研究

    Study on Selecting the Route of Tonggu Channel in Shenzhen

  7. 深圳港西部港区特大型高架桥梁设计

    Design of Long Viaducts in West Area of Shenzhen Harbor

  8. 深圳港集装箱货源及运输系统状况分析和趋势预测

    Analysis and Forecast of the Container and Transport System in Shenzhen Port

  9. 深圳港铜鼓航道工程设计选线回顾与探讨

    Review and Discussion about Route Selection for Tonggu Channel Engineering Design of Shenzhen Port

  10. 深圳港西部港区进出港航道工程疏浚泥水抛泥沙输移扩散规律研究

    Study on transmitting and spreading rules of dredging sediment of Shenzhen Western Port channel

  11. 表现最为突出的是深圳港,其年均增长速度更是高达70%,增长速度为全国之冠。

    As a leading port , Shenzhen port has gained the annual growth rate of 70 % .

  12. 深圳港蛇口客运码头建设国际邮轮母港的规划设想

    Ideas on Planning of Constructing the Passenger Wharf of Shenzhen Port into an International Cruising Ferry Base Port

  13. 二维水沙模型在深圳港铜鼓航道选线研究中的应用

    The application of 2D current-sediment model in the study on choosing course in Tonggu Channel of Shenzhen Port

  14. 首先论证了深圳港东、西片总体自然条件比较。

    This paper demonstrates the comparison of overall natural conditions of the east and west wings of Shenzhen Port .

  15. 深圳港妈湾港区2号泊位工程施工对海底排污管道的影响

    Impact of Construction of No.2 Berth in Mawan Port in Shenzhen Port Complex on Blowdown Pipeline in Sea Floor

  16. 最后,提出改善深圳港集装箱运输系统客户满意度的建议和措施。

    Finally , we propose the suggestions and measures to improve the satisfaction degree of Shenzhen port container transport system .

  17. 深圳港是我国发展最快的港口,其物流业已形成了颇具特色的自身优势。

    Shenzhen port is one of the swiftly developing ports in China and its logistics industry has the advantage of its own .

  18. 第三章是选取了上海港、深圳港、大连港等8个港口为实证对象进行实证分析。

    The forth part is the empirical research of eight ports which are Shanghai port , Shenzhen port , Dalian port and so on .

  19. 2007年深圳港货柜总量世界排名第四,其中,深圳西部港区的货柜贡献量占深圳港的一半比重之多。

    In 2007 , The container throughput of Shenzhen port was ranking fourthly in the world . Notably , Western Shenzhen Ports contributed over half of the amount .

  20. 现阶段,除釜山港和深圳港等少数港口拥有可扩展的堆场空间资源外,其余绝大部分港口堆场几乎无法向外扩张空间。

    At this stage , a few ports have scalable yard space resources , such as Busan Port and Shenzhen Port , but the most port have not it .

  21. 从分别比较鹿特丹港、新加坡港、香港及深圳港集装箱运输服务状况可以发现这些港口为适应经济发展要求和港口竞争的需要,都已拓展了物流服务功能。

    The ports of Rotterdam , Singapore , Hong Kong , Shenzhen have developed the function of logistics services to accommodate the growth of world economy and the competition of port .

  22. 在与国内重要港口上海港和深圳港进行比较分析的基础上,构建了福建省港口物流发展的综合评价体系。

    On the basis of the comparative analysis of existing domestic port logistics evaluation system , the paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation model to study the port logistics of Fujian province .

  23. 近年来海铁联运的发展日益受到国家的重视,而深圳港是珠三角地区集装箱主要的进出口通道,同时是世界第四大集装箱港口,在发展集装箱海铁联运方面有巨大的潜力。

    As the fourth largest container port in the world and the main channel of import and export in the Pearl River Delta area , Shenzhen Port has a great potential for Sea-rail transportation .

  24. 第七章以深圳港为实证研究对象,运用前述方法对其综合竞争力进行评价,并提出提高深圳港综合竞争力的对策建议。

    Using ShenZhen port as the empirical research subject , chapter 7 evaluated its comprehensive competitiveness using the method proposed before , and put forward some countermeasures on how to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of ShenZhen port .

  25. 结合深圳港实践,对港口国际中转竞争力综合评价的理论与方法进行系统分析和研究,并提出决策性建议和意见。(2)构建了港口国际中转竞争力综合评价指标体系。

    Combining with Shenzhen port practice , international transit port on the comprehensive evaluation of theory and methods of is analyzed , and proposals policy and advice is put forward . Second , this paper constructs the index system of international transfer port comprehensive evaluation .

  26. 浅析深圳陆港和大物流建设

    On SZ " land port " and " big logistics " construction

  27. 深圳蛇口港及深圳湾潮间带动物的有机锡污染

    Organotin Pollution in Marine Animals along Intertidal Zone at Shekou Harbor and Shenzhen Bay

  28. 深圳图书馆港、澳、台报刊特色资源的收藏状况分析

    An Analysis and Construction of Hong Kong , Macau & Taiwan Featured Resources of Shenzhen Library

  29. 本文主要介绍应用不规则波造波设备,在规则波和不规则波作用下,进行深圳赤湾港整体防浪掩护模型试验。

    This paper mainly introduced the sheltering model test of Chiwan harbour under the action of regular and irregular waves with the equipment of irregular wave generator .

  30. 在任何防止显著恶化的区域,要想建立一个带有污染的大型工程,拥有者必须申请批准。深圳蛇口港及深圳湾潮间带动物的有机锡污染

    To establish a " major " new source in any PSD area , the owner must apply for a permit . Organotin Pollution in Marine Animals along Intertidal Zone at Shekou Harbor and Shenzhen Bay